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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys welcome back to a new video onmy channel this a beader so in today’swith young women to be making somepancakesbecause it’s it’s Pancake Day also knownas Shrove Tuesdayhold on below if you already knew whatthrough Tuesday men so you must pumpingif you know what I meanso yeah make sure like even like thevideo a few more pancakes and also makesure that you subscribe and then onceyou’ve subscribed this is about and thenpress Ossining identify word as I put afriendly video so an amazing finish ontop so who knows like you can with oneof those people anyway so firstly stopone it’s to definitely take her back tome you don’t get like any syrup like eggyolk like anything like that so yeah butfor ado let’s get into make it up okayso we have got the milk with the buttermix things together and that doesn’tlike to make there like the actualpancake so yeah we’ve obviously got theball we’ve got the way yeahnow I like having this fight strawberrypancake mix and it’s perfect for funbaking but sugar are doing today so ifyou’ve actually gone by this and you canget out be announced so yeah it’s reallygood I love itwe have got the egg we have course gotsome Nutella pancakes wasn’t color sothat’ll be really fun and also need anicewe obviously need a knife to spread theNutella on the pancake but we’re worriedthat yeah well let’s just get it readythat I’m about forward dude let’s getall good like porn in like meat in itso making the pancakes what I like to dofirst when I make my pancakes I like topour in this verse like the milk of thebutter so let’s pull that in they likebig alongso we’ve now don’t like mixing thistogether there are still some awesomebut you know that’s fine no it’s timefor the Strawberry Panic mix it smellsliterally amazingand another whole thing inso yeah you did put in all of thestrawberry mixer let’s put it in my godso now right looking like strawberrymilkshake now just like[Music]and now one for the recipe which isflour looks like a family so yeah let’sjust mix that togetherthere are looks very oh and also staytuned for the end of the video one whenyou’re going to be doing some pancakesso now we’ve got the egg on we’re gonnastart cracking it doing some pancakeflipping so we’ve got it now in the panI mean ready to do something partly forthemselves do it oh god I’ve never doneit before[Music]well that’s right what’s upso now I’m just putting the Nutella onthe pancake I am actually merely doing[Music]my god by this note our pancake withstrawberry mix like you’d know so yeahnow so we are going to cooked it but I’mgonna tell a mine[Music]nice showboat oh my god that’s too muchright so we’re now gonna cooking with itall right so this is it cook nice timeplease