Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
is that knowledgeable you’re like thirdor maybe cuz I’m here at our date bro ohpretty to just disappear uh Latrese isthe st. Patty’s Day or something whereyou are green my guy sometimes you’regonna have a little bit of fizznobody take two confirmed gay dude dangit man Oh brah brahbro[Applause]these hands your son because that’s howyou go boysput this on you get put in the caroh yeah it’s not gonna work Oh God Congowhat y’all know these guys shake it outtoo much[Music][Applause]don’t be a pussytake him Godyou missed really all right come on comehere[Music]this content he doesn’t know[Laughter][Music][Laughter]there’s stuck Daniel Swanson content ifit’s not here it’s nowhere baby factalways a bitch in here dang it pancakesno it’s a Waffle House we don’t knowpancakesall right waffle and blueberry chippeanut butter or because job jobblueberry pancakeswe don’t yeah we’re really fired overthat you love you can’t just like throwon a good word our corporate and youknow we will get part for that helloover you you don’t worryno one trying to kill me that I a 300 Ijust got myself this she fucks the willsee meI love awful yes ma’am I had a stack ofpancakeshave you bourbonI’ve been hit on by a mob that’shappening I seeI just want to it’s kind of blue wafflehi blueberry whiplashthat’s the worst time to myself honestlyright there what do you want Jack limeJosh Brown ball bacon he’s pancaked outand I’m saying he’s been throwing upyeah I just said this is no longerYouTube video this is real life rightnow you want a waffle but if you couldif you could scratch it I’m just kiddingno we don’t serve Jakesactually I guess being in the but in theback do what you want bro ahnudee I don’t want this guy in jail oversidewalk just 720 bond I mean we can geta couple of shots couple shotsis it a no-go he came outside to prettymuch say this is a boss file then it waslike you’re you’re firedoh we don’t have to do it[Music]