How to make Pancakes, Egg and cheese pancake sandwiches, chocolate chip & strawberries pancakes.
With all that is going on in the world, I know there are some people that are stuck without knowing how to cook and going out to eat everyday is not the norm at the moment So here you go!!
#cooking #pancakes #pancake #sandwhiches #chocolatechip #strawberries #strawberry #funny #comedy #cookingcomedy
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
today on oh now you gotta cook oh mygoodness okay we got pancakes egg andcheese pancake sandwich chocolate chipand strawberry pancakes it’s pancakesbitches all right so you got yourcomplete pancake mix just add water addwater I add almond milk I also throw alittle bit of melted butter and vanillaextract in there grease up your pan getit rightgot your pancake that’s just a regularpancake it looks pretty right not reallyoh my goodness hater yeah then there’sanother thing I do where I put maplesyrup inside the pancake so if you don’thave like a funnel or something you canuse a straw but it actually takes a longtime and it’s really annoying so if youhave a funnel or a cooking syringe thenthat’s probably your better do it jobknow what and it takes really long yousee I kind of read that pancake so thenthat’s the photo you bothers your–upand then you make a little I don’t knowsyrup pouches and if you want to makepinky sandwiches too little pancakesget your little funnel pour some syrupin there what is external because oh Ilove that sandwich don’t be a gimmickwhere I make Oh mine’s better thanMcDonald’s okay yep and look how prettymy pancakes came out pretty I ain’tgonna lie the sandwich kind of likelooks crappy is on a crappy plate but ittastes my good okay egg your cheese allthat and then if you want to makechocolate chip throw some chocolatechips or some strawberries got somechocolate chips strawberry pancakesstrawberries whoo and then here comessome really pretty chocolate chippancakes well but see you next timepeace