Make your sunday breakfast with this yummy pancakes in lockdown
You don’t nees ready to make pancake mix and it can be vegan as well if you want , check my video and subscribe if you like it!!!!!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi guys so I have taken 1 cup of grindedoatmeal 1 cup of wheat flour 1 cup ofmilk if you vegan you can use almondmilk or any other meat and milk or wateras you can see here then 1 egg 1teaspoon of sugar melted butter and somedecorations whatever you want water anda teaspoon of honey so let’s get startedfirst we can ôt me and we add the flourif it is 1 euro to me rememberthen we take some milk 1 cup of milk andthen some eggsand then we start mixing[Music][Music]the batter’s- have doubled the pancake and you needto just wait for a while and we have tocheck if it is spread from the bottom ifit gets wet on their flipper or whateverusing so that means you ate for two ofour minutes so I’m waiting and I can seesome signsit’s not lit sonow you see I’m going to be within thispancake so it makes me it needsto rise if you don’t have it you canalso use baking powderyeahyou can put them on a plate you need acheck if the other side is right if it’sreadyit’s creating my hanky and I thought oryogurt andwhat I mindedif you can add any other serahas to benot a pennyvery delicious I hope you meanI hope you will subscribe to my channelmyyou