No video idea so…I’m making a video of me making pancakes. Seems boring yeah, but I don’t know what else to do. So I hope this video keeps you from being boring.
Hope you enjoy the video 🙂
Remember to love yourself 💜
Annyeong~ 😙✌🏻
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello so I know I haven’t postedanything on my channel in quite a whilesorry guys I haven’t really seen at homeyou know this doing nothing because ofthe this virus Tina’s going on aroundthe world and I’ve been staying home soI thought hmm what kind of video when tomake however thinking you know whatthat’s my pancakes random video yeah butI I don’t have any other tea video ideato do so let’s get to it so a knife justnot making any nor a puck pancake I makeyou fun baby pancakes and when I wasjust door to get this I did not knowthere was such thing as this usuallywhen I have a regular hanging pirate Iwas always perhaps sprinkles for thepantry and pouring the batter and itkind of worked but this I’m notsurprisedtake your pulse very for making thisvery cool now I made this before onceand I really liked it mmm deadly tastelike for Betty so I thought you knowwhat let’s give her a chance let’s do itso I got okay make a begging bowl somemeasuring cups and oh shoot I forgotabout everythingI’ll wait so by looking on how manybecause I want I don’t want to let say1216 pancakes and that is two cups ofmix and what I have cups of water okay Idon’t know if you guys can see it butthere is some sprinkles in there like[Music]you know just push this inside and nowwe’re in our water so what happenedokie-dokie not at the picking some mixesalready yeah I need to get a stuff thiswill work oh you need to get spray paintso where can I spring pan Oh some areway behind there there it is oh yeah Idropped it one time and I invokedI still works I’m gonna turn it that waybut it still worksthere we gonormally I may like like mini pancakesbut I’m trying to make them a littlebigger maybe I should do a half a cup tomake it look to make it biggerno need to go get a bachelor assumed itto flip it this could workalready let’s do this I don’t know ifyou could really see yeah this is goodthis that’s good okay just let me put itinI’m nervous well check that out niceI’m actually really quite proud ofmyself so you get back down here so ohwow check that out that’s a really goodpancake now I’m gonna do a time-lapse oftrying to make the other pancakes soI’ll be joined this time lapse[Music]so here it is my floppy tower pinky Imean they’re not perfectwell no kidding I only made so far 1 2 34 5 hold on a second this box said thatit can make over 12 to 16 pancakes lookat it I only made 7 wave okI mean these are probably better thanthe one in me last time last nightearned sabra and so we’re over cut it sowe’re under cook I’m almost a under cookhe’s three at the bottom I kind ofburned them a little bit but hey atleast he’s good this chaos you know soI’m gonna clean it up so I’m gonna doanother time up so that[Music]here it’s full so I’m just gonna leaveit old bandon and later I’ll put them upif he able is all clean now put this upthere goes oh okay well think that’s itreally random but I thought you know atleast I tried okay please I tried sothank you guys for watching this videoit was very good make it pancakesprobably stone so make sure you give alike and subscribe to my channel that’svideo every memory to love yourself bye