I know this channel is mainly to comment on stuff and make music and things but this time I fancied making Pancakes and had some help from my Daughter.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
there we go that’s there isn’t that muchbetter we can see everyone now[Music][Applause][Music]festival and the flower I don’t knowwhat space we need Wow Wow now we needbooking a big weddingekoo from[Music][Music][Music][Music]you practice twice this week[Music]sorry – neither because what you knowAmericans watching therelike the YouTube channel with the tensubscribers didn’t do anything this isan accident look at nice and smoothbattery we think go backwas there anything there so once all thematters we mix we should get some therethis right now when you do it again niceand mixedthanks to Ayla and it’s pretty fastdrink I’m gonna try to make up thispancake so here we go it’s nothing nonOlympia stuff things but we’ll do itwon’t merely okay yeah that’s that’s alumpy mess another life but we’ll seewhat happens when we cook it won’t we[Music]okay that’s looking a bit like it can beyou can go for a flip it over flipFreddy how exciting this pancake bagdon’t hit the camera I’ll blow me nowsell it sell itpancake okay second ones in town lookinggood loosen the pan big flip oh thankyou mrs. cheese voice these two can beold okay well I make 17 for me and Ellado you want a part of crisps instead