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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
Serge’s cheese a the 25th of Februaryand apparently it is pancake day so Ithought we could make some pancakestogether um honestly don’t really knowif I have the ingredients definitelydon’t run flour but I do rowing arts andbuckwheat flour so hopefully we can makeit workalso I’m not sure if this is just like aUK thing I live in Australia but um it’san excuse to make pancakes and I don’tstart work for a couple of hours sowe’re gonna make some pancakes go homeBrian for the winobviously for on top can’t not havepeanut butter[Music]this is my housemates button she’s got acouple more and I’ll replace that so I’dbe like Spideyum what do you got we got buckets outit’s baking powder Bonanno throw somemilk in there I think that’s about itright I’m gonna do some toppings I don’tknow if this is gonna be I didn’t havelike much left so I just like pulled itall in and just like the birds I don’tknow if I should be measuring this ornot see last time I did it was banana Iput too much in it like didn’t fry soI’m linking my knowledge cinnamonvanilla[Music]like we’ll try that we’ll see how thatcar well I have no idea if thisconsistency is right mm just gonna letit sit for a minute and then we’re gonnaheat up the friesI’m gonna use this so you that theydon’t go cold I can cook them all up inone hopefully it’s getting seriousAshley taste thismaybe the toppings will fix itso we nearly about them but we didn’tbut also realize that spatulas Dhonithis was definitely not the right thingto flip them with but um we got themover they did tear a little but they’relooking okay they’re doing wrong they’regone well she let’s try itno okay so like a pea burning Oh night3k rightthey’re actually really fear not my Ohthis bowl you can tell okaymy smoosh today is first call honestlythe best fithe’s looking ii already these lookinsane look at all that peanut butterand coffee obviously this is definitelynot the key to set up better let’s tryright upyes in this jacket are got a bit ofeverythingor nothing I don’t know what is butpancakes just like hip um the only thingthat could make these better is if I hadan ice cream but I daren’t oh he’s verygood sorry um I’m going to enjoy theseand then I’m gonna get ready for walkthanks for watching um turn off this waslike it and you point to this video butsponge my pancakes so I’m Pat you in thenext video Hey