Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
I was working all rightHey[Music]it may look thick but actually isn’t itwhere’s the spatula we’ve got a spatulawe don’t fit the pancakes let me turnover link with this and then we fit it[Music]right there it’s like I’m stop it on theage and you think that spatulaI don’t know yeah[Music][Music][Applause]yes it kind of reminds me of an overlookhey now we can do football can I can Ijust do this like in the professionalwayyes yes hire everybody to catch it tomeet you oh yes now we can kick Spanishnice if we have some mix left from timeto time cakes are enough yeah they makeyou feel sick we would have a massivepancake[Music][Music][Music][Music]oh my god it’s on my hands in aprofessional burn hot hot hot hot hothot you think he’s really in any way sheacts like he is darling destroy you eatit you’re gonna burn your tongue youevening ribbons that pop oh you two everdone that one you’re not using yourknife before now that I didn’t shoot myhandsa small what’s that[Music][Music]and he loves it when I say thatyesterday that’s like a boom they gotpaid my pancake is gonna be this bigyour own camera then actually isn’t reallife my access to all the time I’msurprised he’s chugging you can see youcan fish you want food Sigma sorry a[Music]time experiment yourselfI always fear the first-ever baby waitso they could seeOh[Music][Music][Music]comment down below think we’ll goodpancakes fun stop first nobody she’s anegg pancakes but now he run now he’slike Athena I do like him but I canbother me if I don’tyeah I’m so weird I knew how cute theycan’t resist it that’s a problem I metyou’re like oh give her a bit but likethat he liked food okay[Music][Music]on the Great British Bake Offyou kids are babies mm um yeah my kidcan cook dinner for me because she’sto the pan[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]oh you make no dots No Wow looks likedark Amy if hasn’t come up I think don’thave that todayyeah ii serous yeah I think yes Amy ifyou watch this know what that looks like[Music]hey this was little baby but that waseven more babyI don’t either stops me every lastlittle drop of doll[Music]Oh[Music][Music][Music]yeah[Music]