Happy💖 pancak🥞e day everyone sorry 🥺I posted a bit late but hope💙💜 u enjoyed😂 the vid😂😂
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]hi guys with max emotional so today it’sPancake Day as you will know so we aregonna be making pancakes today fancy ismy room jokeand so milk you nice measure up to 500mlonce you’re done you should have theexact same as me 500 now and leave themilk to the side then to the next spotyou will need a bowl a weighting scaleself raising flour yep thanks so youshould be on 0 yeah you should go up to8 ounces[Music]once it is up grab two eggs and crowdedcrack and moons in agonow you need some roots and you justneed to mix it all up togetherso next series of plates and you willhave your pancake so you just got yourpancake and pair on to them now if youwant you can add a berry sugar and lemonjuice[Music]you