I don’t really have much to say so … ENJOYYYY!!!!!!
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
what’s up you guys welcome back to myyoutube channel and today I’ll be makingpancakes for my mom so look it onto thedo so first we’re gonna get one egg andthen we have the bowl and the egg righthere and I’m gonna get the stand so youcan see me mixing the thing okay so I’mwaiting for my mom because we need tocrack the egg and what we’re going to dois whether I put some powder I like myarm I like um using healthy powder solike I like my pocket very healthy andlike just I can get protein more whenthey have these type of powders and theyare not sponsored by horrible I justgotta say that okay okay so I don’t wantto press your mom loved one scoop ofeach so for their openness first doesn’tmatter so I’m first gonna get theprotein drink mix oh no you guys I don’twant to die I need to change yourbattery okay your battery I am gonna putthis one on so just gonna pet one scoopno let’s make sure you remove the extraoh come on how do I dothat’s it okay there you gothis right now we’re gonna put it inhere now that we’re done with that we’regonna close it this is the powder now Iwant to put the healthy meal out of thenback to scoop me just one just gostraight right there okay I put it in sothis word I think I maybe might not havemy mom healthy I’m tired I’m scaredyo make sure there’s no shell I didn’tknow shell huh no shell okay goodokay I take it with your other hand andthrow it in the trash into the trashhurry before they do get the soap that’smy hand is done Olynyk so first my momsays they have to start it slowly andthen be consistent it points theconsistent add a little bit of waterfrom there in hot water or her just coldwater no no no no no no over their noseup yeah just a little bit that’s it nowthat we added it okay I put a little bitmore water tried the hot water just alittle bit this is the hot rate hmm yeahjust put the cold water cuz I don’t wantto my water want you to burden yourselfyou’re Manning I feel like I shedI’m the new Gordon Ramsay I’m making thebatter consistency and all the chunksare out we can start putting it on thiswater cuz it’s too thick yeah not toomuch it could be gooey the batterystupid dude okay we’re getting somewhereit’s not to me anymore and the tonguesare getting out my dad’s blinded thetime fly on video sometimes I tell themyeah but I push the ones that I fart onokay we’re getting somewhere people sitso my mom’s an admiral water so I amgonna add and it starting to get in thisgood consistency and there’s still someover here so we’re just gonna scrape itand put it inand there’s the new consistency the skystill see teeny little chunks or justgonna get those out of the batter andmake them into very nice this is how itis going it’s hard to afford so what I’mgonna do is I’m gonna look for a win soI found a list there is the West wellyou’re gonna put some water on Akane noclips all right I don’t know where thisDamien[Music]we’re gonna just gonna try to take outthe batter that was on hereokay we’re just going up and so that andthe dish I’m use DeWitt yeah this thelist is no better look what dear this isreally satisfying and now when we’redone we’re gonna imma do a montage andI’m gonna put on the stove and then weshould do a montage stove what I like todo is I like to get some with the list Ilove it and then I write my name with[Music]this wish really made a biggerdifference like I don’t see too muchtrunks anymore let me show you hold onget all the batter outlike please stop fighting okay so okayso that’s pretty shot that’s ready babythat should be done go put that on thewe’re gonna put down put the Westin hereand now what we’re gonna doI got some here oh well then I’ll do amontage so let’s go[Music]so I’m gonna help me put it in becauseit’s a little too hot for me and I don’treally know what I’m doingso we did it you think that’s okay Ilike it thick it can be really nice Imean I accidentally sprayed it hereinstead of in the bowl yeah now we’rejust gonna wait for it and um I’ll keepyou guys updated[Music]and I go to my tick-tock or Instagramand comment down below what you guyswant to see on my next video on YouTubebye[Music]