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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
good morning is Saturday February I’msure I think it’s 28 29 decided to makesome pancakes this morning it’s not toohard but it’s gonna show you the processif you look here I’ve got a bowl herewith some pancake mix requires 1 egg 2tablespoons of just some regular canolawhole be fine and then you have to putin a says here 3/4 cups of milk or waterwe’re going with the milk to make themjust make some fluffier and they tastebetter what we’re gonna do here is we’regoing to mix this stuff up and then I’mgoing to get a pan hot and we’ll startcooking them and I’ll show you how Icook them but start we’re gonna get thismixed up so that’s three quarters we’regonna get three quarters I got a quarterand a half ok here we go I hopeeverybody’s doing okay today and hopeyou enjoy this little short quick lessonon cooking pancakes this is one of thelittle surprises you’ll find when Istart making videos doing more videosand and sharing my life for people tohelp others ok we could beat this with amixer but I’m just going to do it with aspoon to show you how you can do it witha spoon we’re gonna start our goingstraight to the egg and getting it allmixed up real good first and just startworking in the batter as that gets mixedup with the milk you start working thebatter in that way all the battery getspart of the egg deep methis could get messy but that’s okaycooking is messy as alwaysscrape the sides to keep the dry stuffin the middle so it can all get mixed upquicker and better let’s just kind ofwe’ll be right now kind of lumpy it’sgot to keep mixing it’s not so luckystart up enough to where it’s ready toready to cook I’m going to show you whatI do it’s a couple things you can dohere you can use a best fall or you usebutter or you can use olive oil you canuse whatever you have any kind of oilthat you cook with peanut oil coconutoil whatever but just regular vegetableseems to work fine I’ve got this pancleanedI clean the area in a little bit gotthis pan clean this should be good inhot by now it’s been on the burner I’mgonna take it away from the burn alongwith the spray pan for the pancakesdon’t stick hopefully not too hot hereI’m gonna make a couple small ones tostart with you just got to kind of pourit generously but lavishlyokay of course we got a spatula theplastic one really works better if yougot a metal one but when you’re usingthis kind of pain you need really aplastic one to protect the pan as youcan see is cooking and when you start tosee a bubble all around see the littlebubbles starting to pop up when youstart to see a lot of the bubbles cometo the surface that means it’s probablytime to flip can’t always go by thatjust depends on the heat of your panit’s getting closeall right we’re gonna flip it see I takemy spatula just kind of work it underthere the only one motion clip samething over here all in one motion flipwe’re gonna got us some pancakes cookinghere don’t we all right they’re smallbut sometimes I’ll cook a big one I canshow you a big with next my wifeCristina she I think she likes themsmall me I don’t care so they get onebut you see it I’m letting them tryingto let them brown on the other side andthen before I take them off I’ll flipthem back on this side just to reheatand the cooking he do that maybe stilljust trapped on the other side of thisif you cook them too fast the insideswon’t be cooked and the outside wheel soyou got to really stay with them you getaway from them they’ll burn you got stayright with them when you’re cooking themwe’ll say these are done or Christinasome people like them cook more thanothers these are maybe a little cooked alittle much but could be my burners alittle a little hot get back over herelet it cool actually wipe it out see andthen go back with a spray and now we’llcook a bigdon’t worry if your batter is a littlerosier then some[Music]the woman’s mags too by the way you hadto take them off the burner they weredone cooking all right we got thisbigger one in herehopefully it’s not cooking too fast Igot the burner turned down a little bitbut this dadgum stove here sometimesit’s got a mind of its own but hopefullyit’s turned down a little bitwe’ll see how slowly this one Brownsgonna take a peek if we need to oh yesit’s it’s pretty much there I probablyneed to flip this ready see I always tryto have fun when I’m cooking otherwise Ireally wouldn’t do it other than justbeing hungry I like it what my wifecould expect sometimes I don’t mindcooking but most the time I don’t or dodo mine but uh here we are cookingpancakes in February on a cool Saturdaymorning watching some raffia dial tennisour biggest are we’re debate we’re bigfans are rough over the dial I watchsome Spain and we love tennis so we pullfor him he’s good got the pink on theday but we got some pancakes I do badyou can’t be here to enjoy with us butmaybe you got something going foryourself till next time this is bode onthe bode channel goodbye[Music]