Pancakes Recipes

Making Pancakes Video

Welcome to my kitchen where we are making Buttermilk Pancakes for our dinner!

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hi everybody welcome to my kitchenwe’re going to make some buttermilkpancakes because I have buttermilk inthe refrigerator that we definitely needto get rid of and we’re also running lowon regular milk so I have to save somefor some cappuccinos in the morningbecause Murphy will be mad anyway um soI wanted to let you know what we’regoing to have in our buttermilk pancakeswhen you get ready to make your pancakesyou can choose whatever recipe that youwant I mean if you want regular milkthat’s fine you can find it recipes allover the place you know that alright sowhat we’re going to do is make thepancakes using the muffin method andthat means you put your dry ingredientsin One Bowl and then make sure wetingredients in another one and thenright before you cook or bake orwhatever you mix it together and I don’tknow if it makes it any better it makesany difference but I like the way thateverything sort of mixes together whenyou do it separately I mean so what I’vealready done because this is my secondtake of this because I remembered Ididn’t have some stuff so I’ve actuallygone ahead and put some things in thisbowl sorry so what we have in the largebowl are the dry ingredients there’sthree cups of all-purpose flour which isthe flour that doesn’t have like thebaking soda baking powder the leaveningagent so we also mixed in baking powderand baking soda we have three teaspoonsof baking powder and 1/2 teaspoon ofbaking soda and I also have in here the1 and 1/2 teaspoons of salt excuse me 3teaspoons of salt and we also put alittle bit more sweet than careful rightthere that grows and we also put sugarin herethree tablespoons which is quite a bitthat new way it’s sweet I’m though yolike that so we’re going to go ahead andmix in the wet ingredients together andremember I’m using the glass piratesmixing cup mixing cups for thatmeasuring cups for that remember theyhave the spout so we’re gonna put thebuttermilk in there first this was I amthis is 2 cup I don’t have a bigmeasuring cup so this is a to cover andthen this is the one cup and remember itcalled for three cups it also calls for1/2 cup of regular milk so see we don’thave much me lips and remember we haveto keep that on a level surface it’sokay if you put it in another whatyou’ve already mixed together just makesure that you have 1/2 cup we may needto add some more if it’s not liquidyenough so there is the milk then we aregoing to add to that 3 eggs and Ithought we just go ahead and show youhow to break open eggs just in case youdon’t remember how does it do that justpress it on a flat surface and take yourphones and move them out onealright get up get it close up pushthumbs in and then out like that alrightnow I hate to do this but I’m gonna haveto go wash my hands probably not goingto do the 22nd trolling guys it’s justto get a little bit of egg off my handsalright okay so and then we have 1/3 cupmelted butter it’s a little bit coldthey said that that was good too to goahead and cool the butter a little bittoo before you put it in there I’m goingto get my whisker in there as well somewhiskey business yeah alright there’ssome whiskey it’s already because thealready sort of clumping the butterbecause the buttermilk is cold it’salready clumping the butter but it’sokay if it does it’s alright it’s sortof thick and so it’s sort of hard to getit all mixed up together feel like kindof things to make of me alright sobefore I put that in I want to make surethat I’ve got the griddle I’ve got mygriddle over here and I went ahead andput some coconut all on there cuz I liketo put the coconut oil to to all thegriddle grease the griddle pan with thatneeds to warm up just a little bit andI’m gonna go ahead and use my 1/3 cupwhen I get my batter together and I’mgonna put that on the griddle and thenwe’re going to put the first batch we’lldo the first batch with blueberries andthen we’re gonna doa few with the chocolate chips and justsprinkle them on top sometimes I mixthem with the batter but since we’redoing just a little bit of both we’rejust going to put those on top but Iwill earn show you that in just a secondso we’re gonna hope that that griddle isgoing to be warming up in just a minuteand then I’m gonna bring this over hereand stir this up now you don’t want toover stir it guys just get it to whereit’s all mixed together where there’s nomore flour remember you’re scraping thesides of your bowl getting downunderneath there and then just mixing itaround and remember you probably don’twant to use a whisk anymore after youget your batter going because the whiskwill be full of batter so it’s justbetter to use just a rubber spatularubber mixing spatula when you get itlike this now you’ll have lumps in itthat is okay you just want to make surethat all of the batter is mixed togethergood that looks pretty good this is alot we should have packed this recipe wedon’t have pancakes forever all right sowe’re gonna put some cinnamon in it ohyou know what else we could do we shouldput some you know lemons good in it toget the lemon out but maybe some vanillaflavoring put a little bit of that inthere too I do sometimes put lemons andit does make it more flavorful but Ididn’t get back together so there’s ateaspoon of vanilla in there and we’llmix that real quick just so you last aminutedishes here I just added some cinnamony’all I did not measure sorry it’s justone of those things all rightsometimes you just have to do it thatway all right so that’s good so I’mgonna use my 1/3 cup and I’m just goingto use 5 2 just so that the batter willbe pretty equal all right I think it’sgonna I think it’s good let me get thesegoing on here and then we will putblueberries on some and then we’ll putchocolate chip we’re going to be makingpancakes forever because this made a lotso you may even find that you want tohave your recipe but you can also umfreeze them too and save them for laterthat’s always a good idealike have frozen pancakes so that’s justa quick way to do it all right so we’llput some blueberries on here and thenthey’ll just cook in when we turn themover like I said sometimes I like to mixthem in with it and a lot of times whenyou do that too it will turn your I’mwhole batter purple it’s just whateveryou like all right guys so I’m justgonna wait for these to Brown I willsend you a pic when they are done youwant to wait until the outside at leaststarts to bubble and it starts to turnbrown if you don’t have a griddle youcan use a nonstick pan as well howeveryou want to do it but you just need tobe patient and wait for it to Brown andfor a little air bubbles to start comingand if you want to make your batter moreliquidy just add some more milk theseare a little bit thick as a matter offact so I might end up adding side ofmilk but I really don’t want to see thegun open anymore okay better than thegotten alright so there you go I’ll justsend the picture when they are done andI hope to see your creation thing see yabye

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