Not my usual video type, but stuck in quarantine so this is what happened. Also trying to do more videos which means leaning over to vlog style.
Instagram: dill_mather
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
so you guys go to beach alright sotonight’s is pancake not actually gamestuff we really play games so you’ve gotpancake mixture yeah and this is whatwe’re gonna do we’re gonna add somegreat flavor jibby that’s so great okayyou’re gonna have the normal thing youknow okay we’re gonna have one or two ofthat then we’re gonna add a great flavorJamie in may have one or two that thenwe’re gonna add one or two of these bluegreen food coloring add that and theymake one or two that will be nice andthen the condiments to add to it wewe’ve got sugarwe’ve got whipped cream we’ve gottraditional sir golden syrup cinnamonpeanut addresses and we got icing sugarthis is what I’m looking forward to all[Laughter]social media platforms okay you can’t dothis thank you got some empty VEX mommom do all that was quick speed down tozero okay okay okay yes mom yes mom okay[Music]No okay yes yes mom okay we’ll do it momall right we’ll do it bad boythis one is great with grape jellyflavored pancake yeah cinnamon creamfavorite and the pancakes got a 10 ozhave anything to say to the tasted tastetest of the grape flavored jellypancakes yeah we’ve got landed grapeflavored jelly flavored pancake flavoredbloop thank youthat’s gonna go on the pot and then wecouldn’t resist before we tasted you mixeverything that’s he doesn’t like methis is the jelly grape flavored jellyit smells so good we are concerned thatit will burn but it should be okayinteresting no it’s not badthat is awesome sugar I think my Pettitis a bit confused actually tastes sogood it doesn’t know what to do withitself the moment you add other thingsyou want to taste the grape in you itwill mean it’s little sugar is that thatthat is such a mess okay ten holes okaythat it’s not next in the tasting youknow Tiger cream yes alright so we’vepretty much tried everything we’ve kindof neglected the cinnamon oh we shouldhave probably waited for it to cool downcuz that’s gonna melt this mysterymelting with hey let’s add everythingnot three sections are we sharing nowyeah roll it up boys you got this yougot thiswhoa is that nice whoa that was actuallyproving good what they so much going onme but wow this is like this you knowthat scene from ratatouille so he likecombines two you know three ingredientsand like everything suck happening inthe background I recommend this toanyonemmmcinnamon Zac okay now we add in thegreen looks so cool looks like one ofthose rare marbles that I need the richkids head I was thinking about defaultbrilliant greenextra extra read all about it but theneverything diabeetus this is so manylabels a flutter some missing somethinga slice of bread like a sandwich youknow what it is missing from the lastall the ingredients on so Jared yeahactually haven’t charred on with peanutbutter yet what have you had frenchtoast of people really good okay nextpancake steers sauces but not these nonot those I haven’t quite worked up tothese two years not not so he’s gonnachop those in Allen sauce and barbecuesauce so gonna be ha ha harust Thousand Islands Thousand Islandsauce on a pancake with grape flavoredjelly blue coloring and green coloringhmm not great taste Thousand Island kindof dominates okay barbecue sauce on thesame pancake we much better again kindof dominates a bit but maybe just thisbarbecue sauce next numbermuch better than $1000 and sauce