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Title: Making Pancakes In A War Zone! (We Get SHOT!)
#HatFilms #PancakeDay #HatFilmsPancakes
Original of the video here
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Video Transcription
welcome to making pancakes in a war zonethat’s right we’ve got a lot station SELwith all the various ingredients neededto make pancakes we do this every yearwe make pancakes in stupid ways look atthis mix it’s perfecttoday we ran a soft ground where weSmith we’re warming statsoft they verykindly let us use their area no one’shere at the moment we’re all being verysafe don’t worry and I sort of these onso Ross Columbia is gonna be our firstcontestant I am it what what to do yourchallenge is to make pancakehowever the ingredients require thatpancake I’ll lit about the place belowthe flour we got the eggs and we gotsome milk back there there’s a safe zoneover there for you to make your pancakesto craft them however whilst you’re outhere yeah wouldn’t be still up on thatpodium shooting at you like I’m in a warzone right yeah it was enough cuz youreally want to make those pancakes yeahI doyeah yeah I’m hungry for pancakesalright without further ado let’s gomake some pancakes okayall right mate fastest pancake wins goodluck okay this is easy we don’t pancakesthree yeah – one make a pancake Hey oh Ithink he’s perfectthey’re also gonna come back for theeggs it’s suchand the master ball eggsright mag reload on the right hand sidethere’s a button press it pull the hogright pull the mag in I just got allthese ingredients a bit so it’s clickedstar shooting star should give him a fewcome on pancake go ah there it is ohyou’ll be envious envious of my pancaketry to make a pumpkin pancake over hereoh you got me let’s hope it’s a goodgoddamn pancake now we just play thewaiting gamewhat’s my time come on bad boy just thethreat of putting Adam I’d like to pointnow it was Chris Shaw who decided toflaunt the safe zone rule Oh have yougot it he’s made the pancake he’s doneit are you happy all right is thatpossibleYeah right take it together he’sdelivering a gun with it where’s he liveit I’m all rightgo I took the light hits griddle tongueoh yeah I forgot the ball right and Irealized we had to grab things to takeit to the ball yeah yeah then I just aball back and then do that yes so thisis a bit more like a naan bread than apancake well I don’t judge the it’stogether yeah what would you reckontaste testyou’re in a war zone someone power handsyou’re hot oh I’m late that shitstraight yeah perfect there is somestrawberry sauce I didn’t add it therewhat happened a little beer pancake lostspillage is leakage spinach happenednext I think so do you want the gun I dowant the guy here’s your pancake you’llshow your pan for the caketake it with you son you might need toclear out the remains in the ball okayto start fresh there’s some water yeahyeah then you’re good to gosweet all right I’ll do that good luckChris trot thank youall right shot you got Ross’s time tobeat okay he’s gonna give you some painnow I’m gonna get you three two one gookay so what they don’t know is allright jeez no son I’m atgot some pre-made crepes in here so whatI’m gonna do is to sneak off to the sideand try to submit it without them evennursingokay[Music]give it a tryshow me a new plan veto sir sorry I’mgonna shoot your frienddon’t touch your bandages right I’msaying that I could take a swim in thetank you know that’s like an feelingthat you up will hurt your maritime fineyou’ll be fineright right hello hello stay with mestay right right just sort of itI don’t know I think had a pancake ohpleaseyeah let’s try this again let’s do thisone legs you better take that back toyour side oh yeah it looks really goodthat’s me some thick pancake I think Iblasted that mill this poor and out I’mamazed I went through[Music]you’re gonna get egg in your face wiselythe wise man write up the egg I’ll creepup on the bat stop I’m goodgo get that mill baits running out let’ssee shit for this huh melon milks rightthere he’s running out I can’t get to itI hit it real good I think there’s ahole in the milk mate there’s a wholebook whisk whisk oh there it is in anice thick batter here obviously underfire what’s faster remix you bet yourpancake batter before bring it into lawthat the airfield of airfield the warzone oh god you sound a bit it’s goodcakeflip the cake it’s not ready yetstruggle with that why they can try andget the pan oh my god this is why weestablished the safe zone and youflaunted it got a single shot in thereyeah no I got the you got my finger thisis very difficult conditions to makepancakes in probably one of the worstyet got so many marks on my legs and myfinger hurts you waiting for it to cookare you yeah do a little dance posturedoing it but sing a song and I won’tshoot youoh say can you seesinging that’s all say what you’re gonnasay anythinga win boy oh boy oh ma boy oh ma boy Ohpancakes it’s not fucking working keepit on the hop am ia jungle I think it’stime to form into a a unified wholeright now what more could you ask forthan milk eggs and flour on thebattlefield to fill you up whilst you’reunder fire baby about the season that’sa pistol a pistol just cook it and dropit offhow long have you taken ages you seethat I think they saw it hi hi I’msubmitting your some source source onthere he’s dressed up terrible trot Imean to be fair thought that much worsethan Ross’s it’s just it looks a lotsadder with this normally try a tastethis is our judge I’d keep judge hereyou know bit clammy fit I may have gotmy mix a bit wrong oh really considerthe mix when you’re getting shot at pickit up hit a bit I got hit quite a lotyeah like in this region alright I’m anext let’s do this fade do one go it’salright you’re safe you know what I sayplay so save this he’s smoking himselfsmoking the areayou’ve got there just watch the pancakekeep your eyes on what you’re cookingwell my god that I heard that Weaver[Applause]you need someplace to wind went throughthe face can’t be on the cheek oh fuckthatRoss this is a really fun singing damnit’s really good fun with you later yeahwe are what you were brought for the OLchaos the weather is affected by usshootingmust be a sensible about this littlefluffy it’s that way very doughy yeahit’s not the batch is quite thick I’vegot a sophomore I taste a slightlybetter than the last pancake onlyslightly okaywe’ve got the same politics andeverything this horse helped I’ve gotthe final answers the final answers arein a third place I don’t know why I’mdoing that meOh trots in third place me three a thirdplace second place Alex Smith is thewinner real breaking because I broke therules well you obviously you usefast-tracked it right oh you took yourball with you which we allocated a fewmore bullets your way I kind of make upfor it but well that’s fine I felt likeyou guys were pretty kind to be honestwith you aboutI got a mark on my face just like yeahit’s mild off okay it’s not like a it’snot like a hole it caught me right in agap that was that was the zinger andalso obviously the three that shot me onthe end of the game the other one no itkeeps going there but I just alwaysevery time well we hope you know thismotto this year’s pancake video if youliked it please subscribe yeah we havemore videos coming out surely just asmad as this one hopefully yeah and ifyou like our gamestuff there’s a hack gaming channelthere is to golf with your friendsrecently yeah and some other contentfrom twitch and thanks to wargaming forsponsoring this segment in the videohave you lately awesomethe code is tank tastic and you get a t1to 7 and like 500 gold as well as newplayers when you play as anyone check itout give it a try to them for sponsorsfree thank you bye babe oh that that onalways test your tools pull to my bridesubscribe alright y’all pick those up