thought i make this and show you.
my camera died and couldn’t say outro but yeah thought i make this and put it up on here different from paranormal side of things but until then here some videos for you.
if you want to see more baking videos let me know in comments
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey everyone welcome to my channel todayit’s Monday and I thought I’d just makeme something because I’m hungry and Ididn’t have much for breakfast today soI’m going to show you guys how to makepancakesthis is a basic recipe I know thissounds weird to have this up on mychannel but hey why not mix this up abit and today we have self raising flourso I’m only going to use a little bititself isn’t okay so the other day AnnaMae does have got to sift my flour solet’s get a pull over this self raisingflour who we picked up me enough cuz youknow me I don’t want to make to put thataside and then I’m going to sift this Ineed to add sugar room set that okaythat bit is done now all you need is oneegg cracker one egg oh hang onmm ah gross okay that one did too narrowI’m gonna have to free this out andremake it because one of the egg was umI don’t know wasn’t best sorry aboutthat everyonelet me justI’m just cleaning out wonder about itooh that was not good so let me just getanother ball I might just get a normalball yeah that egg doesn’t look good Iopen it up it look like a hit blockingthat it was pretty grosssorry we’ll start again hopefully useother eight so far sorry who are yougoing to crack this upwait not a quickness on crack to save alittle bit of self raising flour in it’sdepending on what like you have any youwon may cool I’m going to sift thatagain I’m putting it in a little cerealbowl here and get that out of the wayI’m going to rinse that right now forthis pot let me just move you guys uphere because I just need to get one eggout here please do not make it blackthis is this will not make my day at allso let me put you guys okay back thereplease stay there okay so I’ve got thisflower in there let me get another bowlto crack itoh three because we don’t want to havethat happen againwe’ll get this bomb here and we’ll crackthe egg and we’ll save how good this isokay we’ve just flour gotta just spitsimulator here oh good okaymr. snakewell this egg’s perfect freakin delagand there was not the best okay so whatyou do now I’ll get into the mixing bowlbecause I can only squash that oneexcuse me for a few minutes everyoneI just regret another one if I can findand I’m done okay perfect so you go boldI’m going to shovel my ass off raisingflour going to grab the egg it’s goingto be washedyou are there okay now we need to addsugar son I’m just going to grab somemilk now you need milk and you needabout three quarters about does let memake me another coffee look I’ll see youput the milk in right stuff that neverwash those up then I’m going to add thesugar and put this thereso just be with me for a minute becauseI really need to get sugar and I justneed to move the camera you get to sugarfirst so what we need you can grab ameasuring cuplike this is a quarter of a cup I’m justgoing to a little quarter cup the sugarin there and then I’m going to put youguys back here sorryoh my god alright starts of the dayisn’t it why are you guys why is thisKimberstay okay please stay there now you getyour whisk I listen the light on fromhereget your whisk in your mix it’ll leavethe flower the egg and the sugar and themiddle all in a bowl and make sure thatit’s not lumpy and then once you mixedit you’ve got to get your pan heat it upyou can use margarine or any kind ofbutter so unstick your hand cake and I’musing the wrong pin but for me itdoesn’t matter them anyway so what I’mdoing I’m mixing this mixture togetheras not really start it’s really runnybit but self-raising flour will risetime give them an editor for I’m not I’mnot going to Center this time just as anN and mix it it hopefully that’s enoughsupplies and flour to get to me a littlebit C so they mix it all together andthat’s stormo perfect but here you getmy driftthese bags are the best no I’m going todo to staff yeah there is now where’sthat lighter I’m looking for a lighterto light my stovethere it is guys here it is turn it onand do not burn yourself with inprogress right mix this up so that’sready to go now I’m heating this up I’mgoing to grab one of these bachelors andI’m going to grab a bit of butter fromthe furnace you can use much Irene oryou can use unsalted or you could use acooking spray but me I’m just going touse a little butter come on get off thespoon get off itnow let that butter melt let the bottomout around the pan to get quite enormousor you could just move it yourselfand then what I’m gonna do do you have atablespoon if you really wanted to oryou could use a measuring cup and 100 soI’m going to wash those dishes straightup because how you’re toldbut you had pancakes today not supposedto have too many opinions which is liketrue there shall be now it’s quiteso quite lumping here why I like that Iguess I need to add a bit more selfraising flour cause it doesn’t get thebest to me and then yes you guys willtell me how you done sister flour againwell first hominid we’re just going tomix it in again we’ll see I really wantto make a banana cake I really want tomake it fresh for that okayso now it’s kind of getting thick that’sgetting hot right yeah sorry pain I’mnot really ready ready ready sorry guystime I talk muchlet’s get stirred inokay get it started no see how kind ofthick it is now so I’m just going to eatit and you guys can’t see what I’m doinghamper yep that’s the way that’s the wayit’s going to be yeah I have to take youguys with me and you can have over whoasee now watch as it bubbles you’ll startbubbling a little bit this is um this isa gas stove this is an old stove andit’s on low setting and look at all ofmy stove is let’s not turn it off alittle bit and that’s how you makepancakes guys see this is a mixturereally Bo that’s really good now butthat is a pancake it should look likethat look like you don’t have a normalpancake would definitely look so if youguys can see that bubbles are startingto fine just starting to form like thatskip my spatula well I’m not ready toturn it over yet we’re just loving it toactually come on turn one over whoa seethat yeah sometimes I can’t get it rightexactly