I wake up almost every morning thinking I’m in a dream! Just trying to vlog my expereinece to keep myself busy.
no suits – I’m Good – https://thmatc.co/?l=B49BB687
Mark Generous – Chase The Sun – https://thmatc.co/?l=4FFC0D8E
Liles Music – Chill Mode – https://thmatc.co/?l=39619FC6
Syphax – Rose Lips – https://thmatc.co/?l=17A36AAA
Reggie San Miguel – Daydream – https://thmatc.co/?l=2787D1C
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music][Music][Music]it is currently 12 26 and is currently12 26 and I can officially eat so mysister had this genius idea of makingpancakes which I completely agree withso I’m actually gonna make them becausethat sounds like a great idea if you askme and usually when I make my pancakes Ilike making them my dog is cryingbecause he wants we’re not gonna gowe’re not gonna go there um so yeah I’mgonna make pancakes and scrambled eggs Iknow it’s late in the day cuz this isreally like lunchtime but you knowsometimes you just you have that cravingI’m shaking if you guys saw the cameraI’m shaking because I’m so hungry Ihave food since 7:00 p.m. I’m going tosnack on a nectarine because I amstarving I’m so hungry so I’m gonnasnack on a nectarine I’m gonna havefluffy pancakes and then I’m like I saidI like making like old-fashionedpancakes so I don’t make them from theboxit’s just they change your life you knowwhen you make something likeold-fashioned or homemade it justchanges your life and then I’ll show youguys what end result is okay thank youyou’re tuning it let’s get to work[Music][Music][Music]I don’t know my being I have a a talentthat I didn’t even know existed withinme my brother now that I was letting isnormal now that I can finally eat I justfeel so much more refreshed and I’mgoing to finish my mealthis whole fasting thing it’s a littlecrazylet me tell you but I’m gonna finish mybreakfast at 1 p.m. and then I’m gonnawatch Netflix or something I don’t knowwe’ll see what I watch I don’t know whatto watch and I know it’s relatable ifyou have like Hulu Netflix Amazon Primeumm what’s the other oneShowtime Disney Plus if you don’t wantyour Disney movie okay[Music]I don’t know what that waswhen put back[Music]I think I’m gonna take my afternoon Iwoke up pretty early this morningactually I can’t walk up around likeeight seven or eight because my sistercalled me she doesn’t understand sir Iignored it the others but where am Igoing with this[Music]I’m actually trying to log so this is avery important moment in time it’sreally not that important but my phoneI’m having issues with my phone I didn’treally take a nap honestly I was justhere kind of closed my eyes for a bitand then it’s like I woke up completelybecause I was starting to fall asleepbut then I just I don’t know I kind ofstayed awake I was watching videos I waswatching this one video of a guy I don’treally know his name but he was talkingabout how like he controls his dreams orhow he was trying to I didn’t finishwatching the video cuz I startedthinking about like wait I remembered mydream yesterday from last night and mydream from last night was that um Imoved back to my old house after I wasliving back in my old house and ourneighbors over on the left side likeredid their whole lawn and then theyasked us if we wanted to take a picturein their front lawn I don’t know if wewant to take a picture on their frontlawn and then um I just remember sayingsure I guess I’ll do that and then therewas a husky he was like a husky puppyand I asked him is this your puppy andthey said no that’s not our puppy wethought hozier puppy and he had a Kongcollar on which is a brand so I was likewell he has good owners or no he doesn’tcuz what is he doing out on the streetby himself as a puppy he was a cutelittle white and black[Music]I woke up about an hour ago my friendwoke me up she called me just to chat abitand he pissed my camera and and yeah Ijust woke up honestly I took a nap I didnot expect to take a nap so late in theday but I did and I’m sorry oh it’s notplaying with my hair and yeah so Iwasn’t supposed to eat anymore past 7:00and I just got done eating actually so Iate some soup and then I had some icecream which I know is bad because I’mfasting but you know I’ve been so goodwith this whole fasting thing that Ijust had like why not treat myself a bitalso today and start eating till 1:00p.m. so it was kind of excusable that Iate at 8:00 I just turned on Netflix andI’m trying to decide what to watch I’llprobably stay up all night honestlybecause I slept all dayyou know pretty much I slept for a goodlike two three hourssome people hate taking long naps Ihonestly don’t mind it too much I likeit maybe I’ll start editing this videowhat should i watch watched silverlinings playbook the other name I’veseen that movie before and I really likeit but I recently actually bought thebook and I want to read it so maybe Ishould read that where did I put thatbook though oh the AC feels so goodbrooh my god this movie mmm then they getgun I think it’s a second when they havelike a really funnyLeslie Manas oh no no no oh my god nosorry less Leslie Nielsen is hilarioushe in mr. Magoo I grew up loving thatlook in the Naked Gun one and a half Ithink that’s what it ishopefully I’m not wrong there’s thisreally funny baseball scene and you knowI love baseball so I love that scene[Music][Music]good morning everyoneit is currently it is to 12 and mysister actually but and they’ll be theshow a while back so she’s been tryingto get me to play with her for a whileand I finally decided to play with herthis game is so much fun thebroadcaster’s they were talking trashabout me and because obviously it’s myfirst time playing so they were um youknow saying oh I apologized for him likehe’s a former infielder so he’s notgonna get to the ball as quick I lost Iwas playing Arizona my sister wasplaying the net and obviously Oh where’sthe score okay eight to one very verybad but you know what it was my firsttime playing I think I did decent Ilearned a lot and I also chose ArchieBradley which I’m not even a huge fan ofso I feel like I it was a pretty goodgame now I’m gonna create my playerwhatever that means she really wants meto do that so we’ll get to that[Music]I posted a video this is my Mean Girlsmonologue I was working on the vlogactually and I found this I thought itwas too funny not to share I hope it’snot like I don’t know so yeah go checkit out if you haven’t watched it[Music][Music]am I gonna stop we finally we havereached some success I’ve been trying toupload this all day long and it has beensuch up like so unsuccessful since themorning so now I can finally celebrate[Music]