Pancakes Recipes

Making pancakes 🥞

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today in this is so[Music][Applause][Music][Music]because I put this on stuff Ronniethinks I always end up I thoughtexpensive food cluttering now don’t putthat egg in now learn to put one egg inmore medium egg how do they pull thedate on the eggsso there you go 300 in I just used tohave table oh that was a good crowd noshells or anything so now that is goodso just put that then yeah you know theegg is a egg is it now bigger untilwhisk it yeah so we’re just gonna grabthe camera just gonna keep with it thenguys I’ll be back when or this iswhisked hi guys so all the packet mix isall ready now we are going to put thelighthouse it’s very dark in here workedwell it worked okay I suppose so now weare going to put the frying pan ontothere is in the back 1 1Scott other stuffing and then now we aregoing to look this is the pancake mixsure he’s all done Anderson so and thenwe are we do have we’re gonna put it inby the ladle boy I used it for my salonand kinetics and I’m a muumuu not listedback in the kitchen because it’s Lancepoison if you don’t want to get poisonand you know like that so then you putsome butter bit my or any butter on thefrying pan so I’m going to do that now aspoonful of butter on the vine tiny bitof butter on the fine pin so yeah sojust get it a little bit lightof course it’s bareness bends and it’sfireside enough to do this part it’sjust gonna like it and then we’re justgonna if you like punky and if you wereholding a pancake today and I’m reallyif you actually you can see thebreakfastI think what I do so now we are ready sowhat I’m going to do is get I yep I’llbe fun that may be too much but justwipe the edge on this edge of the bowlgood then just pour it in until you justgot a circle in the middle on them whatwe need to do is that’s fine that’senough all right and they any time yeahand then you need to roll it around soit gets through all the edges so it’snot Tuesdayyeah let me just pour a little bit ofexcess butter out for me it’s pour itand then we still got loads of keep mateI mean packet mixer you can actuallymake a cake so that is some pancakes ifI can roll it onto the edgesyou can’t like leave pancakes Kenya mmmno how would it really right how do weknow if it’s cooked on Denise you slipit and you get four can you rememberwhat we need to account for bubblethat’s right yeah bubble sure she’sseeing like these little corners thatbubble it smells lovely overdose I get asugar sugar sugar sugar so this willtake about five minutes to cook winterso I’ll be ready I’ll be back when it’sall ready to flare hey guys we’re boatis about ready to flip so yeah I forgotflip but it’s okay we’ll try it guys itgoes so it’s all in the wristcarefulso yeah just try and catch it use yourwrists yeah don’t mean to have a go yeslooks scrumptious I know you’re a bit ofa sugar monster aren’t ya I can think ofyou yeah leave we’re already in Februarylet’s give it another flip you can do itfirst time this time yes you’ve got this[Music]good[Music]some people rolled them off and just eatthem like a sausage rollthat’s cause some people cut them upyeah sure just to check in and show youwhat these nice little brown circlesyes Emilia right then you can slide itnow onto your plate yummy what’s ournext sprinkle some sugar on let’s seehow crazy she goes with this sugarsure one more clock so that is Oh are wegonna see the taste test it might bethat hotokay so just puts a tiny little bit offoh she’s going in big that’s gonna behotmm-hmm what do you think turn out turnyou have to meet you brother some ofthese you know when you get saved fromschool now say good happy with that yeahI can’t wait for mine now I think shejust wants to watch you eat a wholepancake guys[Music]

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