Pancakes Recipes

Making pancakes 🥞

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what’s up guys and today we’re doing hiwe’re making pancakesand we’re I’m here with my cousin sofriendly and arty and so yeah we’remaking a fixall right so what pancake mix you put abit too much oil guys but you know putour chairman stop Matt it’s sizzlinglook how much is sizzling it’s like thisis dangerous and yet check out Freddy’saccountFreddy have 10 and Dusty’s called coolHopkins whoa look at that oh you took apancake whoa it came to one piece intoone right guys let’s go again so now wechange a – the dog yeah at least you’vegot quite a lot so no no it’s like itfor your pancake is this you excited foryour pancake yeah this is that this isthere is this is my cousin’s dog theysay no and they’ve got a lot more dogsoutside I think they’re like in thatkrei tena get me get me good girl goodgirlright doing again now changed our mindsright and put pour in okay that’s muchless oil happy days beeps hi excited allthat oh that’s not here comes the probehere comes the pro yes well that came togiven it for one piece well I look focusI think needs a bit morewell that looks nicewell that looks good no this is take upfrom like the side this is what happenswhen you let kids take over the cookingalright that looks good yeahyour naughty boy plate ready to go yeahrightwhat do you think it ready to flipityou know she go naughty girl all rightyes hold the spatula

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