Pancakes Recipes

Making Pancakes!

Alexandria and Brynn made pancakes, Gigi helped too

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Video Transcription

[Music]she’s over bad pancakes okay Dana’sgonna judge elite know cuz her pancakesI don’t know I have never seen her makepancake she just seems like the type ofperson to make good pancakes whathappened if I touched it[Music][Music][Music]okay I’m gonna flip this one Dinah’sdone how am I supposed to fix this magicokay we’re doing Courtney those twobecause we need to if we look like we’regood pancake makes way I would eat thisstuff seems like that’s this one was ourtrial like our trial maybe the chef Gigishe’s little not tested our pancakesdid you like it or anything before wegave it to Courtney she tested it tomake sure yummythat’s rightno Alex you get to eat this one I wantan air disaster they’re already inscrumptious yummy it might have takenthree pancake trials but it’s fineI’m gonna look her tadpole is like abird it’s had foam looks like tackle ahjyj’s you want to get the tadpole it’skind of doing some scrumptiousit makes sense but it’s just not the twodays it’s so no you know like uncle bosshere whatever people will ask her offyeah yes with the birth ban with theburp and it’s fine it’s fine inside it’sjust our food better been inscribed onthe bed[Music][Music]you get one I get one[Music][Music][Music]you

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