Pancakes Recipes

MAKING MINI PANCAKES – Dutch poffertjes | Food around the world (EP. 4 THE NETHERLANDS)

In today’s episode we attempt to make Dutch Poffertjes wich are mini pancakes.
In this series YOU decide what we will be making next! Let us know your favorite national dish in the comments. The comment with the most likes after 4 days is the one we will do in the next episode. Make sure to share the video with your friends & family so they can like your comment and represent the country and dish that you commented down below 😉 Untill next time!

– Onno & Angel



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Video Transcription

hi guys welcome back to our Channeltoday we’re going to do another cookingvideo we haven’t done that in pretty along time but yeah today we’re going tomake the mini Dutch pancakes which wealso call them as coach’s office so I’mcurious how this all turned outstay tuned this is going to be our firsttime making these you also need aspecial pan so we have this what washappy yes this so you need to have a fanwas like the dimples I don’t I don’tknow if you can even get it anywhereelse in the world yeah so if you don’tmaybe you can use like round metalstencils which you can also make cakeshapes of something you can you canamortize we’re going to show you a fewpictures here so this is what we’regoing to need first of all you’ll needbutter put a pin and then baking powderbecause we’re going to big time flournot flowers at this evening cheeringwell this also comes from nature so noeggsmilk white ones you can also use[Music]improvised that look really great aboutcooking you can do whatever you want andyeah we’re also being able to mix itobviously like a mixer yeah I don’t knowI don’t know where our mixer is to behonest yeah so mom if you’re watchingthis where is it but yeah we have toimprovisebut that’s fine so we’re good to youthis delay means but as we all know ornotice it cooking I just do theintroduction and holding the camera sofirst we’re gonna heat up the this Iwouldn’t skillet so dependency be hot sowe can start cooking later a first stuffwe’re gonna mix the dry ingredientsyou’re gonna need half of the flourabout 250 grams perhapsyou went to schoolput a little more distinction[Applause]yeah I think this okay so we kind of putthe flower and bull so we’re gonna haveone and half these blew you offbaking powder mm-hmm one and a half andhow the hell with itnext oh yeah we also need saltI’m not sure yeah we have helped to tryand green mm-hmmas you can see right now I’m just gonnastir it up a little bit and I would justdo you mind Craig that yeah I want to doit about ingredients I almost dropped itin no suresorry there was okay we need to watchout for this too because it’s reallycoolyeah and then milk milk yes we need whatdoes it say 300 milliliters[Applause]and now I know and start stirring italreadyoh it starts sorry alright yep now justmix it in a little bit you don’t have amixerbe sure to break the eggs yeah okaycultivate with it so this actually thefirst time of us making Butch’s angelhelp them not too long ago in our andAmsterdam at the market if you haven’tseen that video check it out everythingI loved home for just because it’s smalland it’s usually more fluffy thanpancakes like bar at leaf like Dutchbanking so like the forfeitures are alittle more pop and that’s also becausethe baking powderit’s a part ErinI think this would work that’s what webuilt it so you think so I just feelthat everything is going too well soyeah and I excused my face as being waytoo close to the camera can I transferdoesn’t what do you need – I think itshould be mixed I think there’ssomething with us and mixing stuff likethe pizza dough did that makes quitewell number twothat looks better that better oh my godso I think it’s time I’m so scared to behonest right don’t don’t be scared youcan do this I believe in you my why areyou wearing a hat insideokay so we have our there let’s see ifthe Venice I don’t know oh I think it isI want to do that yeah okay yeahI’ll just do this wrong you do the nexttime okayif that isn’t enough for two rounds butof like do we have enough to make twoand it’s melting just put it thereCorinthians ohignite debate that an April gonna looklike us to be honestokay let’s just do this first let’s trysix oh yeahI think it’s working well oh you thinkso too can I turn it I want to turn ityeah it’s on the video you turn it whenthere when there are bubbles tell me ifyou can watch yeahI can only bubbles coming out ohokay I need to hurry up yeah we shouldhave done six I told youoh look look oh my god I want to do ityeah you can do itoh Sh oh yeah you see I went toofast okay calm down you get a plategonna play oh oh it’s working well inwith a chanela Ohcan Iyou can do the next run it’s quite easybecauseI’ve no idea oh it’s actually lookingreally good I did not expect thisa little bit longer that’s too quickyeah it’s working yeahokay let’s see if my mom approves this Idon’t know if cooked on the insidelet’s try onenice reaction could youbook to review 2019 okayother statesthey’re good I think I need to go alittle bit longer and it needs somesweetness[Music]oh oh that’s fine but you’ll be at thepowder shooter is this wait for a littlebit on my wayhe’s likeyou eaten for pancakes in one biteyeahbut because there’s a smallyou can eat more of the bloat it wasreally good I think we’re gonna do thismore often yeah yeah the plate is reallybig or like it’s a small plate but itlooks big oh it doesn’t not just morethan enough that’s right I’m gonna takethis pointyeah goodand what do you thinkmalicious I this was really easy to makeyeah it was actually really easy andcheap do like we had some stuff alreadybut from most of the ingredients it waslike I think total you can geteverything for like five yearswe still have a lot to go yes here we’vedone see we only used this that amountand it was at 350 so we can you make alot more so we’re gonna see how angelmakes the butchers see if they’re betterthan mine can you handlewe will see about that this part is kindof tricky to be honest just trouble itlet’s live with this and this yeahhalf-assedthe first ones kind of cook alreadyfaster-faster-faster don’t trust methey’re gonna link up you do everyone isalready bubbling this onejust put it put it don’t pinch it on theside you need to thank you just on themiddle yeah and I’m lift it up and turnit oh and it’s all soft see oh it’s sodifficult this is my first time they’restill too liquidy like at the likemarkets a lot of your stem and they yousee them like threading flipping youknow really quickly so satisfyingwell this was our attempt to cookforfeitures and actually went prettywell that it’s not as fluffy as the propunches but we made it for the firsttime packed and it is pretty goodactuallyreally it’s really good so I hope youenjoyed this video and if you do pleaseleave a thumbs up and don’t forget tosubscribe to our channel so you nevermiss a video with on a trip again andnow we’re going to enjoy our butchersand see you next week bye[Music][Music]

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