Pancakes Recipes

Making Mini Pancake Muffins – Mrs. Stargel

How to make Mini Pancake Muffins with Mrs. Stargel. Here is the link for the recipe!

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good morning little lambs family I’mhere with my daughter Lily and we aregoing to show you how to make a funbreakfast for your familythis isn’t maybe something we wouldnecessarily do with our two-year-olds atthe preschool but sometimes on specialdays we do get to put some of thingslike food together and have some funcelebrating special things so today I’mgoing to show you how to make minimuffin pancakes so we are going to useour mini muffin pan which I guess youcould be bigger ones to they’re justgonna take longer to cook so first thingwe’re gonna do we’ve already turns theoven oven to 350 to let that preheat weare going to spray our mini muffin panyou could also use the mini muffinliners but I don’t have any them sowe’re just going to spray the panalright so the next thing you’re gonnado is just take regular pancake mix wejust already have that done so I alreadyhave pancake mix all mixed up togetherso you’re gonna want to fill each muffineach muffin hole about half way a littlemore than halfway full so I’m gonna dothat and then Lily’s gonna help me withthe fun part that that I think your kidswould really enjoy so it will fill acouple of these it’s a little bit morethan halfway fullotherwise a motive might explode out thetop which we don’t want happening yes itmight be filling them a little hole toobut we’ll see it’s a little trial anderror today on a rainy daywe will probably knock it outside verymuch so we’re looking for fun things todo inside also happy st. Patty’s Day st.Patrick’s Day today alright so I’m justgonna do a few more of these and thenI’m gonna let Lily start on the fun partso I’ll stop here first secondokay so I’ve said about half of them andso you can now well I mean your childcouldthat – probably but now is the fun partso the topics that we have our chocolatechips see them in there we cut up somestrawberries really small so that theycould fit on there we have someblueberries our blueberries time arehuge so you could cut them up if youwanted we’re just gonna put one or twoin there and not bother cutting them upsmaller and then you might want to usethese sparingly we have sprinkles so wecan put a little those on there too ifyour kids like those so those are ouroptions for today so Lilly’s gonna startfilling those um a little bit they hadboth washed her hands so don’t worryabout that I know that’s something wehave to be extra mindful of right now soI’m gonna fill the rest of these muffinspots while Lily yeah she’s gonna mix itup a little bit do some different thingsnow I made I did one cup of pancakebatter because that’s how that I hadleft so it might not quite be enough tofill all of these but that’s finedepending on how big your family is youmight not want to make a whole a wholepan of them I hope you guys are healthyand finding some fun ways to spendtogether I know we have been starting togo a little crazy hate being at home andmiss my puppy class that’s why I wassupposed to have today tomorrow wouldhave been the kitten so I miss you guysall very much and we are excited to atleast be able to connect with you inthis way so all right so Lily is chosento mix and match some of them which isfine too but I think I’m gonna make acouple for myself over here with someblueberries and maybe a couple chocolatechips and then once you have filled thewhole pan and you have put all thetoppings in okay you’re gonna want tobake that at 350 for about 15 to 20minutes until the batter sort of bouncesback when you touch the topuntil there’s no soft batter inside thenyou stick like a knife inside so we willwork on finishing this and then we willbake it and then we will post just aquick video of the results and let youknow how they taste so hope you guys arehaving a great morning even though it’sraining outside hopefully you get to dosomething fun insidewe miss you and we hope to see you againsoon

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