I created this video to make fun at home despite of Challenges nowadays, to stay at home for about 5 months. Truly unlimited resources for so many things, hotelier job hit down to ground zero. Stay safe everyones and God bless!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi guys good morning today we gotta makea very special breakfast for my twochildren they really like this breakfastit’s a lovely pancake so to prepare thepancakes I have my lovely daughter oneof the precious lady you might be movingmy life so to prepare the pancakes within all-purpose flour baking powder alittle bit of salt and sugar this is thefirst lots of them we just love we haveto combine it in the bow lovely daughterwill prepare will make sure it and thencreepy spoon of baking powderyeah so in every cup of flour it in 1teaspoon of baking powder just 1/2 ateaspoon of saltyeah I use brown sugar sugar yeah yesthat tablespoon enough three four cups Idrink vodkayeah put together in the Florida okaynow wish[Music][Applause][Music]yes which the Frog combined togetherokay another separate problem we have tocombine our wet ingredients one in ahalf cup of milk[Music]so 3 tablespoon of olive oil and everycups of flour 1 tablespoon of vegetableoilyeah to make it cleaner 1 teaspoon ofvanilla extractnow to make it very fluffy and soft onecase we have to separate the egg whitesand the egg yolk so in every cup of ROMyou need and one piece of egg so thesethree cups of flour so you need twopieces of the next so that much you canseparate bar and then[Music][Music]where’s the whistle at now this feel weneed to floppy day egg-white it’sanother skill company if you don’t haveto make sure that now so this is thetricks you gotta put in our head so itis spelled out in your head it meansyour meringue still very soft and stillnot perfect don’t try at all you guysnutsthis nut sure you might take a bath withthe egg whites this is our work inGrainger wishyeah that’s not a consistency Anna yeahnow we can afford the egg whitesyeah it’s knowledge that is properly foryeah that’s the nice consistencylovely so that’s the challenge are notreversing that is not manage to defineyou must observe the proper temperature[Music][Music][Applause]okay follow the follow the one now thetable is already bubbling that’s thetime you need to turn to turn over okay[Music]but it’s fine spine I like it[Music][Music][Music]Wow perfect I think that dawn is likeNirvana wow that’s not pancakes we Leela[Music][Music]okay that’s she not for that wow that’sreally nicely golden brown black right[Music]Wow perfect just a little bit don’t putmuch so even Kui is not there you canmake your own folder if that is busierlet’s see more line so how many moreyeahokay guys so one more to go right selectour dollar Wow see is getting better andbetter right so that’s the last okay Ithink Stella that okay I want to seeyour face[Music][Applause][Music][Music]pancakes make basic pancakes you guys ifyou want to put some banana on it orvery soon you will be a chef somedayyeah[Music]but I know you wash your hands rightyeah so you are doing outdoor delay I’mgonna getcha okay okay um piece ofpancake and I have the plagues andthey’ll keep going oh not much okaythere’s one more and then back thereagain on it and then[Music]everybody’s eating a lot so too is notin a factorythere’s an article you told me enoughyou will you want to be a space exceptSunday right this year and then for kidwho yeah I told you you make people foryou how many pieces okay okay the lovelypancake all made of my daughter’s why doyou get face to the come here Annayou’re so cute lovely some like daddynot Wow religious another that’s what weyeah yeah[Music]the pancake of money so one morning me[Music]as you can see guys is very soft andfluffy pancake as you can see that’sgood depending on who you know that’sthe conditioneralright thank you everyone see you’re myniche blood