Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi everybody my family I’m gonna showyou how to make a fluffy pancakes andwhat I want to arrest Italy and I’lltell you what the ingredients we need 2cups of white flour and we’ll add tothem 2 tablespoons of baking powder andthat is the dry mixture and then we willmake a wet mixture which will be 2 eggyolk so I will separate them in thevideo I’ll show how and we will add 2cups of milk and some much it’s 1 over 3of a cup oh and we will add closer tothe dry mixture some salt and then wewill add the egg whites and blend themand then we will add them all togetherI’ll show you how and now first we’llstart putting the flour should be siftedokay and I sifted most of it whileposing because it will take too longokay now we will start with what youfirst do it should be warm at roomtemperature[Music][Music]as you can see two egg whitesguys I’ll give you a tip if you likecinnamonjust let me you will put a bit of soonwith and then we will see it listen thisI’m done you know we would add thedrivers to was the Whitley so we likethat yeah we willso it should betwo minutes a half now I think it’s no Iwill rip it no it’s ready now you’llmake the wrist well that one looks sogood no weapons as you see it’s so biggachimaybe it’s not good around like theother one what is a told be so good