And yes,yes I was
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]just cool it[Applause][Music]I’m back I know you guys miss youtoday we are going to be making andguess what banana pancakes yep I said itbanana pancakes and people I’ve beenpacing okay let me get a pan like mymom’s was going to Walmart a lotrecently and because of herconcentration to warmer she keeps comingback with different thingsoh yeah by my mom she’s been buying alot of new things recently like old wiselike this fake-ass pancake mix I don’tknow why I don’t even know othermeasurements for thisto do that much because that makes okayput it back in the box anyway eventhough I do not drink milk and I thinkthat maybe a lot though sometimes if thebanana pancakes turned out a nastybecause I’ve never made them before theymake kind of nasty because then you knowno bananas be tasting real funny and Idon’t like that about them maybe taste alittle funny when you start fondling thefood and should leave a somebody decidedto text me like are you all right nobecause it’s like a lot of people belike damn I’d be like whoa I gotta eatdon’t I right anyway mixing it is Idon’t like my better food staple my lawnit’s a little lighter I’m so sorry foranyone that that offended I’m back on mybull she shot a Chicago hmm Pablo Iwould play music would I would getcopyrighted and that’s soy boom but Idon’t know about the whole banana thingI’m scared yeah I’m here I don’t think Ishould doi’ma mess it up we are we’ve got countryPropst but ha oh my god and they sue meJesus Christwe got the butter or whatever ormargarine what it is please don’t evenask me wanted this shampoo was on thetop of my frigerator I don’t know whento think it dumps are you bitches beingthat taste mate Oh[Music][Music]your hands where I can see him I thinkI’m just going to cut pieces and put itin there as right there right therewe’re going to cut a banana eat itcuz stuff loves best low and put itsimultaneous places oh I don’t know if Ishould I feel like I should put a littlebit more dough over on top of it so itwon’t well maybe I can just make onebanana and yes I did yeah and we wash atme I don’t even have a spatula oh my god[Music]when I flip this mother and thesebananas fall offI can’t even think straight right nowand this is so ugly like oh my you guysI had a mental breakdown last night anda little bit of this morning because Iwas scared about my future that’sactually kind of what I make in thisvideo because I realize that I needy’all so help me make money so I don’thave to work or anythingbut I’ve been working since I was 14 andI think it’s enough at this pointhonestly working is so good I can’tbelieve I have to do it doesn’t I don’treally want to make that like a longtimekeep it short time with the whole me andworking thing is it pisses me off likepeople are so rudeoh my gosh first two bananas are in thepancake please second two are being athis would be fine and they decided tocome out a little bitgo ahead Ramsey bitch I want to fightmr. Borden yeah I’m calling you outI’m a just um I’m gonna be back in asecond when I’m done making on and thenwe can’t eat yeah you gotta have thetaste testokay I’m back in here is the finalresults you know for pancakes so I’mgoing to eat the first one and I’m goingto let y’all know how that go and it’sthe theory it’s a value pseudo first oneI like it and the you know banana one isautumn at the bottom so we bet I’ll beback to try to act okay y’all I’m backand I don’t know how many hours later itis but I fell asleep I’m not gonna lie Idid fall asleep I was not into the worldbut the banana pancakes turned out theyturned out well and that’s all I have tosay you know I will see you all nexttime I don’t know when knocks I’m moldybut over there will be soon I can justfeel like a frog[Music]you[Music]