I decided to try out a made up recipe for banana pancakes. I ended up using;
4 Bananas
1 Egg
1/2 Cup Milk
1/2 Cup Yoghurt
Dash of Vanilla Flavour
4 Tablespoon Butter
1 Cup Flour
2 Tablespoon Sugar
1 Teaspoon Salt
1 Teaspoon Baking Powder
Dash of Nutmeg powder
Dash of Cinnamon
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
morning guys so welcome back to mychannel this is so weird anyways so thismorning I decided to make some bananapancakes I want I wanted pancakes but Ijust didn’t want to eat that much flourbecause I like pancakes and so I decidedto make it with a higher proportion ofbanana and it soon flour so I’m justgonna show you guys all I’m going to dotoday so yeah you know it’s a trialrecipe so it could come out to disasterso just join me so for this recipe I’llbe using 1/2 a cup of flour 4 bananaslet’s see let me just measure it outwhile I’m talking to you so I’m going toput in my dry ingredients in here I’llput 1 teaspoon of salt is that so muchwell why don’t you spoon there it goeshowever comes out the consultants trialso try these guys a time this with meso yeah let’s not do it like all theexperts every time we’re all learningtogether right so I’m going to put in 1that’s 1 tablespoon of sugar 2tablespoons of sugarMolly has bananas so maybe I shouldchill out on the sugar I’m using 2tablespoons[Music]Ohbaking powder I think the banana is[Music][Applause]usually I will do my drying videos inthe big Abu because I want to use new[Laughter]piece yeah so there so what nextright I think I have to measure out mymilk and I’m using just one egg guys andso you got something with your goods soin here does is about half a cup ofyogurt Greek yogurt and I’m just goingto make that up to one cup with milkbecause I kind of want it to be do Godmakes it fluffy this extra thing youknow it’s just my and then I will popthis in the microwavea few seconds let’s say 20 seconds orjust sets of 20 seconds to get it totemperature because it’s cold give itanother it still feels a bit cold soI’ll probably give it another 20 specson these I usually like to get it to agood jobwell we did another 15 seconds oh Ithink that’s not too bad it’s not quiteas warm as I’d like it to be but I thinkthat’s okay we’re going to use half ofthis that’s about two ounces of butteror how many four tablespoons a differentyou see whenever I starts baked you notdoing anything I always end up bringingout so many boys anybody else like thatso I’m going to have the bottom milksaid actually wants it completely meltednot hot but melted I don’t want it inchunks because I wanted to mix well withthe pancakes so there we have our butterand you can see it still got like a bitof a chunk in there and so I’m justgoing to stir it until it meltscompletelyguys I know my cooking method is a bitweird for me the goal cooking is to havesomething that’s tasty I usually don’tcare so much about presentation andthings like that I’m just about thetastes yeah some people care more aboutpresentation there it’s pretty muchmelted now guys this is a pancake andpizza actually I think I’m going to bedoing this often you know I quite enjoythis because it feels like you guys aregoing to be learning to cook with methis black thing thereeveryone bananas have tattoos you know Ijust kind of eat them like this for meis done you know it’s just not I don’tknow because in Nigeria bananas don’tget freckles they just probably go blackalways they’re done so Franco was justgiving me a picture I’m just gonna usedto it I am breaking the banana hopefullyto cuz I’m still gonna need to have tomush it anyways yes I said I’ll be doingthis thing where you guysyou know I like to do a lots of trialand error and it’s worth it might aswell this is take interest then guys Ineed to wash my hands I don’t like thesticky icky right let’s do this this iswhat I’m usingnothing should fancy I’m just going to[Music]so I forgot to add I’m going to add asplash of vanilla essence or maybe justa cup full but he loves evil I stillthink it used to be called essence atall some people still call yourselfanyways vanilla flavor so I must bebanana and here is what my butter andyogurt sorry my milk and yogurt lookslike it’s C pretty thick and andactually quite warm I think that’s aboutwater temperature and to mix it in herelooks like there’s one more thing thategg you know ones taste this makes sureso I’m just good to mix it up I will putthe eggit’s nice so anyways let’s put the akinrights that came out weirdyou see this is why sometimes I like toput it separately that egg actually cameout weird I think that’s my egg breakeverything everything now my drawingvideos that have been waitingimpatiently slowly guys this butter isso yummy looking and it smells so goodanyways it’s time to go into the pan Ihave my canola spray so this has turnedout to be a disaster day so I need to dosome damage control so I think what I’mgoing to do here is I’m going to addhalf a cup of flour because I feel likeit just has way too much bananas yeahand see how next one turns out becausethis is good I need a disaster no doubtit’s probably gonna taste good[Music]okay so this one turned out really nicehas the crusty looking edges not verynice representation but trust me when Itell you tastes good if you didn’t tastegood I would definitely let you guysknow this tastes really good and I likethe fact that there’s a higher banana itwas a bit difficult though to like turnthe pancakes over because of coursethere was more bananas but it did tastegood one thing I noticed it was a bittoo sweetfor me I like sweets I think for mostpeople they probably want to tone downon the sugar so don’t put as much sugaras I put you can put one tablespoon ormaybe when your sugar talk of bananathese sweets so yeah I think that’s theonly thing otherwise everything elsenice really nice