Pancakes Recipes

Make Pancakes at Home! Easy!!

Here is a great easy recipe for making pancakes at home. No box mix. Or vegan version. Leave out the egg, I find it works just about the same.

1 cup of flour
2 tablespoons of brown rice syrup or sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup almond milk or other milk of your choice
2 tablespoons of melted butter or earths balance margarine
1 egg
vegetable oil for cooking —safflower or sunflower oil work great too
chocolate chips or bananas or other special yummy things
Maple syrup

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hi guys today is pancake day we’re gonnashow you a super easy recipe you don’teven need to buy that box powder mix ofstuff it’s this is so easy and there’sno added chemicals or junk I’ll show youright here here’s some of theingredients we’re going to use we’regonna have about a cup of flour 1/2teaspoon of salt 2 teaspoons of bakingpowder 2 teaspoons of melted butter youcan also use olive oil this is Earth’sbalance vegan butter sticks I love these1 egg you’re gonna need 2 tablespoons ofsome kind of sweetener this is brownrice syrup you can use sugar whateversweetener you have will need a cup ofmilk whatever kind of milk you likewe’ll need some vegetable oil forcooking I like vegetable oil becauseit’s kind of got a neutral flavor youcan always use safflower or sunfloweroil I like the ones that don’t have anoverpowering taste in the pancakes andthen I have some toppings today I havebananas and chocolate chips and somemaple syrup to finish it off alrightalright so let’s go ahead and getstarted we’re gonna talk about measuringfirst I already have the butter in heremelted and I want to make sure thebutter is not hot because if I add theegg to the butter it’s gonna makescrambled eggs right and we don’t wantany of that so let’s go ahead and add wehad a 2 tablespoons of butter we need acup of flour so remember when youmeasure dry ingredients you scoop it upscoop it up and then level it off if Iwere to shake this it would make theflour more dense and heavy and alsochange the amount so one cup level flourright and then we need about 1/2 ateaspoon of salt 2 teaspoons of bakingsoda so remember again scoop it up andthat’s what thisall piece of metal is for it to help youlevel it off so we scoop it up level itoff that’s all my dry ingredientseverything’s going to go into One Bowlone egg and I have the sweetener I’mgoing to use I’m just gonna eyeball thisone because it tends to be a littlemessy so it’s about two teaspoons twotablespoons sorry two tablespoons ofsweetener sweetener of your choice themilk that was a half a cup so in totalit will be one cup and everything getswhisked together you can either use aget whisk or a fork I love using a forkfor a lot of cooking and just get itwell blended well combined you’re gonnahave some lumps and this is where a forkwill come in handy you can press themagainst the sidewalls and break up thoseflour lumps scrape the bottom and onceyou have it all well combined I knowyou’re not gonna like this part but nowyou have to let the batter sit for fiveminutes before you even use it all thetimes that I make the batter right awayinto pancakes they come out kind of flatkind of too dense unimpressive right butI noticed the pancakes that I make lateron after I’ve been cooking awhile comeout beautiful and fluffy and much betterquality so I already have a dough readyfor you another batter that I made arewhen I started hooking up right away Ihave my topping set up a little bit ofoil goes in the pan don’t be shy becauseyou can always put a paper towel downafter you’ve cooked the pancakes anddrain off some of the oil so don’t worrytoo much if you think you added morethan you should have you can say it’swell coated on the bottom and I want toget this pan super hot the other thing Idon’t like to do is I don’t like to putthe toppings especially the chocolatechips into the batter I just found thatthe chocolate chips will almost alwaysburn they end up making my pan all blackand then I have to start all over so Iwill add the chocolate chips in a momentall right all right here we go I’m goingto try to make come on in and look atthis I’m going to try to make all thepancakes the same size so that I startto learn how long each one takes oh it’sso thickall right and now comes the magic thisis the part where you need to figure outwhen to flip them the first signal youwill see is bubbling and browning aroundthe edges right that’s good but I wantbubbles all over the whole thing I wantthis not to be wet and shiny anymoresee how it’s wet and shiny all over I’mgonna try to cook them until they’re dryjust about dry on the top and thenbubbles all over also okay so gettingclose and let’s watch what happens herethis is a great nonstick pan so you cansee they’re not stock at all so much alittle it’s going well the edges aredefinitely puffier and they’re gettingdrier on the edges I’m starting to see alittle bubbleslooking good all right I’m going to adda few bananas here to this one and somechocolate chipscome in and see this this edge isgetting brown and then this is muchdrier on the surface now okay earningeven you can peek underneath lift it upand look at this they’re nice they’re alittle pale still so they’re definitelynot ready to be flipped you know what’sreally good if we took the bananas andcook them heated them up with somebutter and syrup and poured that on topof the pancakes that would be special ohyeah this one’s looking good a lot oftimes my first pancakes will come out sobad I have to throw them in the trashthere’s something about the oiltemperature the oil quality of the doughso I will tell you I already made one afew minutes ago and it was kind of likethe one that you know just the one yougive to the dog or something there itgoes here comes the bubbles there’s afew bubbles right therereal-time Oh all the bubbles are comingnowyeah and see how they’re a lot drierover here on this edge it went to Mattright the matte finish now I know youladies who wear makeup know what that’sall aboutand again let me peek at it one moretime and I’ll show you the color startedto get a lot browner it’s beautiful nowhear that nice sizzle noise I think thisone’s ready to flip so I get a littleoil in the spot where it just was Idon’t want to go down there okay nicethis one here all dry on the surfacethere’s little bubbles I’m gonna checkit perfect and the chocolate onegorgeousand I do not push down on them that willflatten them out I want to keep thevolume some no pushing on them rate justleave them alone let them cook and thisis the part you might have to practicejust figuring out how long each one twotakes on the second side but just make acouple and you’ll surely figure it outyou can still peek at them right you canshake them around now that chocolate isdefinitely melted see how the chocolatemakes a mess so if you’re makingchocolate pancakes maybe make them atthe very end or something let’s see thisone look at that looks goodlet’s check this one beautiful what elsedo you guys want to see me make do youwant to learn how to make some breadsince there’s not a whole lot of breadat the store right now I can show you asimple bread or oh you know what wecould do bread and then french toastwith that bread or if you have someleftover bread even like you can makefrench toast with any leftover bread ohand then we could make garlic bread wecould just go on and on with that allright I think this one’s done here we gothis one’s done before it makes a messall right let’s see let’s check this onemore time whoo nice and well those ofyou like chocolate chip pancakes justknow they’re pretty messy but I guessthey’re worth it right here we go sohere’s the chocolate chip one let me getsome syrup come on in here I’ll show yathe pour righthmmreal maple syrup nothing like it and apad of butter yeah so go ahead and makethese the way you check if they’re doneis you break into it so let me breakinto one even though they’re pretty hotI just want to show youthere should be no raw batter in themiddle when you break into it it’ll looklike a cake see how it’s dry in thecenter that’s what we call goals rightalright thanks for watching today I’m soexcited I can’t wait to see you allagain soon I love you guys thanks forwatching bye

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