Hey guys today is gonna be our first day of making pancakes on Papa’s Pancakeria since it was the game you guys picked. Anyway make sure to like and subscribe!
The game:https://www.coolmathgames.com/0-papas-pancakeria
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]hello everybody was up and welcome backto a brand new video as you can see weare starting out at a brand new pompousgame Papa’s pancake hurry up nowI don’t even know if there’s gonna beintroduced video or not invite intro Imean well obviously reduce net but thething before this that you know she’s myname and everything is I’m working on anew intro new channel all of that it’sgonna come very very soon guys point isum I couldn’t get QuickTime Player thesystem I used to record to record robloxtoday for some reason and that wasn’teven recording at all earlier today butI couldn’t get it record that and it wasreally like when it did and so I thoughtmmm why don’t we play Papa changingright you know the only option we havehave to get a video up it looks likethis actually may be a little bit laggybut it’s not too bad anyway we’re Cooperand Cooper finds a job alright decidedto see this storyline but this was thegame though you guys also picked on thelast video I think it’s just one personvoted for it a hundred and nothing butoh why did I pick the wrong game wellthis guy’s gonna go to the pizzeria shotheywhat why is there a cat there he wantsthat squirrel pizza what the cats goingback in why’d you drop the beat ZackCooper what happenedI don’t I I’m confused the next money ohwe lost the cat cookie oh oh hey pop Ifound itwe’re Oh at the pancake shop okay andthen Papa’s gonna want us to work[Music]why does Papa like always leave PapaLouiesome questions here all righty then dayone and I look and I pop his head islike going around there this kinda lookslike we’re in the woods where last timeyou read a theme park and now we’restarting in the woods type area on thisthe order station so he wants me go thegrill this is your grill station andthat is my build station all right coolyou have a customer alright first ohcome on she was walking fast there for asecond quicktime player well you knowwhat guys this video may be a littlelaggy but it’s gonna be the best we canget[Music]I don’t feel very sauce what else ohthat’s it all rightgrow station here I know no wait waitcan we sit tutorial please nope reallysee why don’t you put it there then putit back oh my god I hate this stupidtutorial duh duh duh duh look duh duhduh duh duh Thanks oh wait wait waitart flip oh wait wait wait we can dothat fasting I didn’t even see that thetop you can’t you guys see it here butit’s right there’s something behindthere it’s making it go faster seebecause I can’t click anything and thenall of a sudden I could click somethingthat’s definitely helping come onthey’re almost ready and BAM but way noall right get those on the plates myfriend all right Oh bill those are thedrinks and we unlock those later on notunlock the drinks yet all right so threebutters butter there you know whatwhatever I I don’t care I could pull oneprobably pull in there oh the very edgewas actually me actually now that allright and it wants some blueberries like[Music]I’m tired of plan[Music][Music]oh wait those are ready no no no nothose are ready there we go perfectlydone all right built so one pancakethere before no I’m over that’s oldone there one there one there and onethere all right I know why he wanted tosee it though that’s funnywon’t even see it all right just somesyrup to cover it up well done anyway Ikind of wanted to discuss something sowhat I meant about getting new channelstuff and all so I’m gonna sort ofchange the channel Kyle colors in thatand eventually guys I’m going to andlogo and all but eventually I’m gonnause my own computer is right now I sharea commuter but eventually I will have myown computer and this being a heck of alot easier to do but for now I have mymonth laptop which I record on buteventually I’ll have my ownall right all right well one day screwall right what’s our mini game showtoday but don’t worry because very soonI’ll get my own alright so he’ll addsome practice games a cardoh so he wants a patty patty but nice Ialready messed it uppickle I got everything right except forthat last lesson Jojobrick figures yeah let’s put this manwith the critic thank you thanks forliking oh wow this is different theydon’t have like the guy there we was theparade of life oh that’s oh damn yeahTim was two months ahahaboss it’s weird I’m seeing anadvertisement for Papa’s games sushiRios Cooper area freeze area and donutrear which we already played on my leftlike you know it’s full along bannardbookmark style of advertisement overhere on the left you guys can’t see itbut there right on the left which iskind of shocking I’m not gonna say I’venever seen a pocket advertisement likethat well I got advertising becauseafter this year they won’t be aroundthere oh wait so if I hold them it goesdown faster so instead of Mir and Pollyclicking them which I have been doingjust hold them down alright alrightlisten what’s this over herewhat are those like you know I found asecret all I have to do is hold down mymouse there we go alright and hold itdown gotta get the other half of itcooked well done[Music]is that is it ready is it yep wait no[Music]all right so we’re stacking two here putthe bananas a new thing bananas so onegoes therethis is how my facebook and this onelooks there one goes there and then ourhair we the maple syrup I take my timeand at least perfection all these ohthat’s nice nice job with the hair wellyou know what whatever I got like allyour build right like what are you gonnacomplain about kamek alright good goodjob Tim[Music]all right I’m sir are we taking Oh RicoI remember Rico I remember anything likewatching the other paw plays games andplaying I’m not on camera cuz I don’tthink he was on our last one del and Ididn’t know for sure reason poppletsdon’t know the real I remember domes[Music]downs the manner they planned alrightsome three pancakes una dos tres a noQuattro’s use the Quatro Quatro Quatrodos I’m on let’s get there one moreBAM alright nice alright let’s hold itdown not really does make an improvementwe think all right now it’s pretty darngood come on alright so all these justsay zero and a hundredall right so flip flip flip[Music]all right say those are pretty good Idon’t know honestly I’m getting used tothis whole new Papa’s pancake KoreanPapa making the pancakes game so we’llsee honestly get him out you know onething that I just think I’m still don’tyeah I’m still disappointed about inPakistan in Duryea I’ll probably comeback to its the fact that we never got aperfect daughter oh and look you alsomight tell us this eitherwell shilling for it um but I’m sad thatwe never got a perfect order like thatwas the saddest part of it and I betit’s it’s definitely possible we came soclose so many times just one butter onebutter really whose orders whose orderassist Rico you just order threepancakes on one butter that is theboringeststuff I’ve ever seen you know we’vealready almost got perfect orders so farI know myself oh I kind of forgotyourself alright fair enough Rico fairenough now dum dum the man I’m a gnomealright to lunch one pancake fourbananas and one pancake alright we’regonna try to not mess it up I don’tthink actually will mess it up we didn’tmess up the face we messed up was thehair which was aka syrup it knows allright then we put it there all right andthen we’re gonna make fourput four more bananas and one moreall right that seems good finish allright downoh holy don’t don’t don’tcome on come on come on I send even ourcloser to sheriff Hanks our closer don’tjeez oh wow that was pretty close I’mnot gonna lie it’s pretty dang close toperfect is this Hank we gotta doeverything we can for Hankespecially to mess up what we might havealready missed on the order so we gottado everything that these cooking fastfast and easydddd look at how hard it is to get thesyrup so you have to like[Music]I’m lost on words honestly[Music]oh hey come on72 we all know your bluff in there weall know it you’re bluffing don’t knowdon’t even tryno unacceptable Hank sir hanky Oh Hankand I’ll have a handkerchief for all Icare[Music][Music][Music]alright let’s wrap it off with a pizzapocket Reno minigame their differentmain games like when we hit oh I tap itthe first tryI get the star and just one slice fromthe pizzeriaoh my god one tip anyway well we aregoing to be done for today let’sdecorate our lobby finish it off[Music]well you know what that’s gonna be afruit guys make sure[Music]