Hi All! The #GigHouseKitchen coming to you from glorious North Norfolk.
This week Trish makes perfect pancakes just in time for #PancakeDay! Fill them with whatever you fancy!
100g (3.5oz) Plain / All-purpose flour
1/4 tsp Salt
1 egg
275ml Milk
Butter to grease the pan
In the video we filled our pancakes with sugar and lemon, or Chocolate-hazelnut spread and strawberries – but you can fill yours with whatever you want!!
Happy Pancake Day!!
We hope you enjoy the video. 🙂
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi I’m Trish welcome to the geek housekitchen today is pancake day so let’smake some pancakes so the first thingwe’re going to do is make the batter Ihave here the batter ingredients whichare a hundred grams of plain flour whichI’ve sipped a quarter of teaspoon of agood pinch of salt 1 egg and 275 mils ofmilk pancake batter is a pouring batterwhich is very similar batter to the onethat you would use for Yorkshirepuddings the first thing I’m going to dois put in my salt I’m just going to givethat a little stir with my wooden spoonand then make a well in the center ofthe flour and salt and crack in the eggnow what we’re going to do is verycarefully break the egg yolk and stirthe egg in the center of the batter orin the well as I’m doing that I’mcarefully knocking the flour from thesides into the egg mixture and I’m goingto keep doing this until the egg mixturelooks like it can’t take much more ofthe flour so that’s nearly there as youcan see I’m just gently knocking theflour down now why I’m doing this andnot just literally throwing it all intogether is that you want a nice glossybatter with no lumps and this is thebest way to achieve that aim now the eggis struggling to take anymore of theflour I’m going to take the milk and addit a little bit at a time while carryingon stirring the egg mixture and lockingdown the flourlet’s go put the milks down for a secondand give us a good mix knock a bit moreof the flour down off the edge it’squite a skill really making a goodbatter it just takes a little bit ofpractice but you soon get used to itthere we go now most of the flour isdown so I’m going to give it a reallygood beat and then I’m going to add therest of the milk all together it’s veryimportant that you add all the milkit might look wrong actually when youlook at it it might look very liquidybut if you don’t add all the milk youwon’t get lovely like pancakes you’lljust get really quite stodgy thick oneswhich aren’t going to be as attractiveto eat so there we have it our batterand not a lump in sight how good is thatright so what I’m going to do is pourthis mixture back into my jug it’s gotquite a nice gloss to it and as I saidthere’s no lumps which is great sothat’s going to make really nicepancakes now it it’s often said that youshould leave the batter for a littlewhile to sort of thicken I’ve leftbutter to thicken and I’ve used that asstraightaway and I can safely say thatit makes very little difference so I’mgoing to use this batter now before westart frying off the pancakes we need toprepare the pan and this is calledseasoning or actually proving the panand it’s done very easily you literallyjust put the pan onto the heat and letit warm slightly and then you add alittle bit of butter why I’m seasoningor proving the pan is to make sure thatthere is knowing there aren’t anyimpurities or any anything in the panthat’s going to make the pancakes stickand I concede that the butter isactually almost going a little bit blacknow so I’m going to throw in about halfa teaspoon full of salt and give it alittle stir around the pan as I keepsaying it beeps a lot at me then I’mgoing to get a big wad of paper toweltake it off the heat and while it isstill warm I’m going to give it a reallyreally good clean-out here we go nowit’s important to get all the salt outand I can feel that that pan is lovelyand smooth and soft and he’s going to begreat for pancakes my pancake batter isgoing to make between four to sixpancakes depends you’re gonna have sickyou like them first thing I’m going todo is put the pan on quite a high heat amedium to high heat pancakes need quitea high heat in order to cook properlyand then going to put in about fivegrams of butterthis is melting once it’s melted I’mgoing to give it a little bit of a stiraround the pan again is bleeping I’mgoing to let it get quite hot before Iput the mixture into or just have towait for a minute I’m going to use apalette knife you could use a fish slicebut I prefer a palette knife becauseit’s quite bendy and you can getunderneath the pancake very easily tocheck that the underneath is done now Ican tell that this is ready because thebutter is starting to turn a little bitcolored so now I’m going to pour mypancake mixture in and it should sizzleI’m going to stir it round the pan alittle bit or swirl it around the pan alittle bit to be more accurate and thenI’m going to put it back on because it’sthe only way I can stop my hobbleeping at me it should cook quitequickly don’t be afraid to switch it upand switch it down you know the pancakesnot cooking quickly enough or you’re nothappy with it switch it up and if youthink it’s burning a little bit thenturn it down now it’s very importantthat the base is well cooked and hasbrowned before you turn it over or itwill just sort of disintegrate and youget my palette knife underneath and flipand there I have a very good pancakethat didn’t stick it’s very quick to dopancakes they cook very very quickly tooquickly in fact and it’s very hard toeat them and enjoy them when you’re busyfrying pancakes for everybody elseso the first pancake is coming off andI’m going to put this onto a warmedplate and then I’m going to put a pieceof grease proof over the top and I’mgoing to put my next pancake on so I’mgoing to put some butter inand I’m going to put my mixture in andmake myself another pancake I think I’llprobably flip this one pancake days andpancake day without flipping a pancakethe most important thing about flippinga pancake is don’t flip the pancakeuntil both sides to cook because whathappens is you will end up covered inegg mixture I know this from experienceso here we go oh that was a poor attemptwhoa it’s slightly better that I think Iprobably need a little bit more heightso you know I’m not going to be defeatedI’m going to have one more gohey there we go I’m very proud of thatwith another sheet of greaseproof andthen get on with the rest of thepancakes so I’m going to carry oncooking some more pancakes and I’ll seeyou when I’ve finished I’ve justmicrowaved two of my pancakes I put theminto the microwave for about 10 secondson high and now I’m just going to sharewith you two ideas for how to eat themthe first one I’m going to show you is aBritish favourite lemon and sugar so I’mgoing to put my pancake on a plate I’mgoing to sprinkle on liberal amounts ofcaster sugar or granulated sugarwhatever you’ve got now it might seem alot of sugar but the next ingredient isthe lemon juice this is fresh lemon soobviously that needs a little bit ofsweetening and once it’s on I’m going toroll it up and enjoy right I just movedthis one out of the way and sample itlater now if you’re not a fan of lemonthis one might be right up your streetso I’m going to get some chocolate andhazelnut spread and I have just warmedthis a little bit on top of my auger andnow I’m going to put liberal amounts allover it and then I’ve got some lovelylittle fresh strawberries here and thenroll it up very carefully so that thechocolate spread doesn’t ooze out andthen if that isn’t gorgeous enough I’mgoing to get some squirted cream sothere we have it pancakes I love Trishif you enjoyed this video pleaseremember to subscribe see you next timein the gigas kitchen byeyou