Practice your English listening and follow along with me to make some simple pancakes! A great breakfast for you and your family!
Recipe (for 6 pancakes)
1 egg
3/4 cup milk
2 tbsp butter, melted
1 cup flour
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1. In a medium sized bowl, beat the egg until fluffy.
2. Add milk and melted butter. Mix until combined.
3. Add dry ingredients (flour, sugar, baking powder, salt). Mix well until batter is smooth.
4. Cook pancakes over medium heat on a frying pan. Wait for the little air bubbles to pop so you know it’s time to flip. Cook the other side for 1-3 minutes.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys and welcome to an Englishactivity with Miss mahalia today I’mgoing to show you all how to makepancakes so first I’m going to show youwhat you need for your equipment do youneed a spatula a ladle or a big spoon topour the pancake batter onto the panyou’ll need a whisk or a fork to beatthe batter you need a frying pan to cookthe pancakes a large bowl to mix yourpancake mix a plate to put the finishedpancakes on once they’re cooked andyou’ll also need a cup or a bowl to meltthe butter in the microwave you need aliquid measuring cup for the milk thenfor your dry ingredients you needmeasuring cups and measuring spoons andthat should be everything you need foryour equipment so get all that togetherand then come on back and I’ll show youwhat we need for the ingredients now I’mgoing to show you what ingredients youneed to make the pancakes so you’ll needsome flour just regular white flour somewhite sugar salt baking powder veryimportant that it’s baking powder I’mgonna show you this is baking soda noyou don’t want to use baking soda it’snot the same you need baking powder andyou also need some butter you can alsouse margarine if you don’t have butteryou need eggs and nook I’m using DairyMilk but you can use oat milk soy milkor almond milk any type of milk willwork if you don’t drink dairy milk soget all your ingredients together andthen come on back and we will startalright so let’s get started making thepancakes I have my recipe taped here tomy cupboard so that I can see it and Iwill leave the recipe in the descriptionbox or something for you guys to checkso that you can have the same recipethat I’m using so the first thing weneed is one egg take my one egg and thenha the egg into the bowl I’m going towash my hands because it’s veryimportantso I wash my hands for 20 seconds withsoap and water which you should alwaysdo before you cook or bake andespecially after you crack eggs becausethere can be germs left on your hands sonow the first thing we need to do isbeat the egg until fluffy and beat isjust a word for mixing but when you doit really really fast so I’m gonna showyou I’m gonna take my whisk go into thebowl so the next thing is we need to addthe milk and the melted butter so thefirst thing I need to do is melt thebutter so right now the butter is solidbut we need the butter to be liquid forthis so what I’m gonna do is take my cupand my measuring spoon I need twotablespoons so the biggest tablespoon ofbutter I’m just gonna scoop I’m gonna goover to the microwave and melt thebutter I usually do 20 seconds but yourmicrowave might be different okay so nowI have my melted butter put it in themicrowave it’s all liquid so I’m gonnaadd the melted butter to the egg I’mgonna take this spatula just get all thebutter out next I need nook so I’m gonnatake my milk I need 3/4 of a cup of milkso I’m gonna take and measure 3/4 of acup so that’s 1/2 2/3 and 3/4 pour themilk in with the butter the egg I willmix all the liquids together next weneed to add the dry ingredients so thedry ingredients are flour sugar bakingpowder and salt the first thing we’ll dois do the baking powder you need oneteaspoon of baking powderright in the bowl nextyou need half a teaspoon 1/2 teaspoon ofsalt put that right in the bowl then youneed 1 tablespoon and then we need 1 cupso the biggest measuring cup of flour sothat’s pretty good I have 1 cup of flourput it in my bowl and then I’m gonna mixeverything together now I have all myingredients and I need to mix it untilthe batter is smooth so no lumps smoothand ready to cook okay I think that’sready all right so now we’re ready tocook the pancakes we’re gonna preheatthe stove so preheat is just when youheat before you cook so I’m gonna turnmy stove on to level 6 so medium-higheverybody’s stove is a little bitdifferent so you can check with your momor your dad just to see what the bestlevel is and we’ll just wait for that toheat up and then we’ll start cooking sowe’re good to go I’m gonna grease thepan with some butter take a little bitof butter and melt it on the panand I’m gonna take my ladle you can alsouse a spoon if you don’t have a ladletake a little bit of batter and justplace it on the pan and I’m gonna do twopancakes on this panand then we’ll wait for those to cook sono it’s maybe a little bit hard to seebut there’s little air bubbles formingand they hop so that means that thepancakes are ready to be flipped okay sonow this is probably the hardest partI’m gonna flip the pancakessometimes it’s a little bit tricky butI’m gonna do my best so you take yourspatula go under the pancake flip andlook that looks great so now we’ll dothe other oneflip and then you wait for the otherside to cook should only take two orthree minutes okay so now my pancakesare ready I’m just gonna take thepancakes and put them on my plate sothat they’re ready for when we want toeat themthat’s one batch of pancakes and now I’mjust gonna continue and make probablytwo or three more batches also if youwant I just made plain pancakes so justnormal pancakes but you can also putchocolate chips in your pancakes orblueberriescinnamon all different kinds of thingsif you want to make your pancakes alittle bit more fancy so here are myfinished pancakes it made six pancakesand I’m gonna serve them with somebananas and strawberries and also somemaple syrup make sure when you’refinished that you turn off the stove andalso you can help your mom and dad bywashing the dishes always a nice thingto do after you cook in the kitchenalright everyone thanks for watching Ihope your pancakes turned out well andthat you enjoyed making them I’m sureyour parents and your brothers andsisters will be super happy if you makepancakes all by yourself for them so Ihope you had fun and have a great restof your dayyou