Published on June 16, 2020
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For Business:
250g of pancake mix
1 egg
1 spoon of butter
#Let’sCook #Quaranthings #pancake #Food
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
what’s up you guys it’s me againcoming back for this video so fortoday’s videovideo videoso let’s start so first one that we needisbutter butter butter again butterand then next one is the pancake mixnow dragonegg which is one eggwater soi end before anything else[Music][Applause]is[Music][Music][Music][Music]umi am[Music]me[Music]foreign[Music]okay[Music][Music]foreign[Music]john[Music][Music]foreign[Music]foreign[Music]and then[Music]spatulaout there[Music]oh my gosh[Music]is[Music][Music]my[Music]oilso i amso five thirty five nowand thirty minutes[Music][Music]good[Music]hereoh my god oh my god[Music]like this[Music]seven pancakes gonna go on so yeah[Music]you