Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
what’s going on guys welcome to a brandnew series called Spongebob SquarepantsKrusty cook-off the name of this serieswill be called Krusty’s cook-off anywaysif you do want to see more episodes ofKrusty’s cook-off hit that like buttoncomment down below for more episodes ofKrusty’s cook-off and without a furtherado let’s get in to the video alrightalright let’s do this morning mr. KrabsI was just on my way to work never mindthat I need I don’t know guys I don’tknow the void since I haven’t seen nooneI never mind that I need you to dosomething important for me moreimportant than flippin Krabby Pattiesthat’s right today you’re flippingpancakes I was wondering what that foodstand was for let’s get cooking allright let’s see what you got spongebobmango one order of pink jelly pancakescoming up firstnow we wait all right so we got this Iam so excited for this series manbecause of this series just this gamejust got released today so I’ve beenlooking forward to this I’ve beenlooking for something new to do in theseries and um and it’s just so cool – mybrother is also here watching well Ihave no choiceyeah your gangs lighting the doors thevibe yeah did max there I am so manypeople have already started playing washe has no choice violence continue wedid it we did it yeah well how’s thepancakes Patrick I don’t know I was toobusy eating these weird Krabby Pattiesthey look funny but they’re deliciousI’m trying so hard guys this soundsnothing like either of them for the lasttime Patrick they’re not Krabby Pattiesthey’re pancakesmr. Krabs wants me to sell them to thepeople who don’t want Krabby Patties forbreakfast what kind of weirdo doesn’twant a krabby patty for breakfast hey Iam not aware got you little big furrymonster I am a human my brother withanger problems let’s go dude level twoboys today’s episode is all about thetutorialit’s all about uh you gotta click it afew times it’s really hard this is howmany times you have to click it yesexactly that much I just hang in therepeople of bikini bottomI’ve watched you for years now I amspongebob so just you wait I can’tbelieve mr. Krabs wants me to cookkrabby pattyoh here we go guys and another terribleday of the Krusty Krab making KrabbyPatties isn’t easy as in long fat whowould have thought it would be possibleto actually miss buns Bob hey Squidwardwould you like a pancake I take it backlife was great without youwow that is so Squidward right therealso just like and Dragonball LegendsI’m gonna do the invoice acting allright six dishes whoa that’s hardly evena challenge yes it is my sir all rightthenI’m made of flawed mistake in makingthese just now I’ll know it didn’t solet’s see what we can do today we gotthese Krabby Patties coming along allrighthow far does this tutorial go that’swhat I want too oh my god Tom what isthat wonderful smell[Applause][Music]pancakes wanna try one pancakes pancakeswhat does everyone love this guy’s got aproblem free alright we also got a freethat anymore free things recommendedokay aren’t enough coordinates I’lleventually get all that back and let’sgo over here claim that we got some mailclang Oh was this they love me theyreally love me huh cheer your kitchen[Music]okay kitchen everything is not max levelyet we got a long way to go anyway gotyou something that’s going to be a goodplace to end the first episode put onthe news hey fry cooks welcome toSpongeBob’s crusty cook-off we hope youenjoy your cooking adventure and bikinibottom be sure to check back hereregularly for details on new updates[Applause]anywayanyway guys if you did enjoyed the firstepisode of of crusty cook-offthen be sure to hit that like button andcomment down below for more episodes ofcrusty cook-off and I will see y’all inthe next one