Pancakes Recipes

Kids making pancakes part 2

Kids cooking

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we’re done with the stirring but we aregonna put our secret ingredient in ityou want to us to show it to you yeswhat’s your secret ingredient Oh masterchef I best our secret ingredient isvanilla just a drop of it um if you havevanilla extract and you want to put itin your in your pancake one you’re donestirring you have to just put a dropokay just a drop okay we’re gonna seehow we do it just a little drop allright stir that in and now after we putin you can put just a drop – oh okayokay yeah so guys after after we afterwe put in the vanilla extract I’m justone drop or two um we have to stir itand we all be back once we were um we’llbe back once you’re done festering okayyou did that to just be safe okaywe’re back we are back and and when Ifly now and once we are done with thefinal step we need to do the final stepwhat it does mean which is the finalstep of putting pit of makin pancakes isyou you put your your hand under thewaterwell daddy’s gonna do it for safetypurposes right you can explain whatwe’re doing we have a hot pan here butto make sure you have a hot pan yeah wayto make sure tonight to make sure youhave a hot pan yes and if the waterdroplets disappear right away that meansyou have a hot pan so what is if youwhat happens if you just turn this onand you throw two pancakes in you’regonna have yucky pancakes you have tohave a hot hot super happy so so guysonce you put the water in then when yousee the the the wok the the bubblesdisappear that me that takes you umthat’s we’re doing the final final stepto make fan paint paint cakes why did Ijust say fan all right so we’re gonnatake a little scoop ewwww yep and putyeah we have to smiley faces – yeah allright now Danny’s turn yep you’re ohyeah all right all right say goodbye toeverybody say yeah thank you for cookingwith Paulie and Danny no don’t end thevideo yet um pause it and we are gonnamake a part where we um where we eat thepancakes okay say bye for now bye fornowwe’ll see you when when we eat the paystep is all done but first before youget the pancakesyou need to flip them with a spatulaalright daddy already went ahead andflipped under so I’m gonna put them inyour pan now is this your tray Oh whatdo we have toppingsbananas and trucks ah can I flip it tohim you put it in now your sistersalright don’t deal look delicious mmmokay

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