Our Early Childhood Director, Ms. Mehlberg, teaches kids and parents how to make pancakes, a delicious breakfast treat together! #DSAtogether #DivineSaviorAcademy
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi everyone I hope that you’re having awonderful time in your homes with yourfamilies I care at home too and one ofthe things that I love to do when I wastalking home is to read I love to readgreat books every day this morning I wasreading this wonderful story from EricCarle and author that most of you knowfrom your time in the classrooms andthis book is called pancakes pancakesand it taught me what you need to makepancakes and how you make and this bookmade me so hungry I started to think isthere a way that I can make my ownpancakes today I really would love thatand there is I found a recipe which is aplan for all the things I need to knowin order to make my own pancakeswould you like to cook with me todayawesome when I was a little girl and wasgrowing up my mom loved to cook and sheloves to bake she would make deliciousthings and my sisters and I always lovedto see what she was making we couldsmell the next delicious treat comingout of the oven and we couldn’t wait totry itso now that my sisters might have ourown kitchens we like to make things toojust like she did and one of ourfavorite things to make still ispancakes so I have a special guest hereto show you my cooking buddythis is my sister Eve miss Melbourne soshe’s here and we’re really excited tocook together today it’s good to have acooking buddy because they can make surethat you’re following the recipe theright way so that your pancakes willturn out and they can help to keep yousafe so it’s really important that youalways have a buddy especially if you’rea kid when you’re a kid you cannot cookalong you need to be cooking with anadult like your mom or your dad orsomeone older all right are you ready tocook with me yes ready I can’t- all right well before we start there’ssomething very important we need to dodid you wash your hands yes I just usesoap and water oh good that’s reallyimportant I did the same thing did youwash your head all right it sounds likeyou’re ready to go – remember that whenwe’re cooking you can always pause thevideo to stop it so that you can get thethings ready that you need and you cantake a little bit more time all rightlet’s review our recipe first rememberthis is our plan our plan for making ourpancakeswe have different ingredients that meanseverything that we need to put into ourbowls to make pancakes I’m gonna readthe recipe and you can help to followalong first it does pancake party cuzthat’s what we’re doing pancake partythe first thing that we need is one cupof flour we have that ready next twotablespoons of sugar next 2 teaspoonsbaking powder oh she has it ready thenext thing we need is 1/2 teaspoon ofsalt perfect then we need a cup of milk2 tablespoons of oil and finally one eggwe are ready we have everything allrightmake sure you pause the video if youneed some time to get all of your thingsready all right we’re gonna start bymixing together our dry ingredients sowe’re gonna put the first four thingsthat you see on the recipe in my firstyellow Bowl we need flour sugar bakingpowder and salt I’m going to start byputting 1 cup of flour into the bowl allright got it ready andwith two tablespoons of sugar 1tablespoon you need one more to get to 2baking powder there’s one one more youcan help me to come along the last dryingredient we need is half a teaspoon ofsaltshe’s giving that ready and she’s goingto put it into the bowl now that we haveall of our dry ingredients add it intothe bowl I’m going to mix these togetherand I’m going to use a new bowl to addall of the wet ingredients so that threemore things that we need to put intothis bowl we need a cup of milk we needtwo tablespoons of oiland we need 1/8 I have everything readyhere I have my milk oil and eight sohere we go first the milk all rightoil is next two tablespoons of oil letme hear you can’t see let’s start with 1- we got it okay great and now the lastwet ingredient that we need isn’tanything now probably you do need thehelp of a mom or dad to help me crack itokay I’m gonna do it your secret yeshere we go ready now we need to whisktogether our ingredients this is aspecial tool called a whisk and it helpsus to mix everything very well I’m gonnawhisk it together[Music]so now that she’s whisked on the wetingredient I’m going to add my dryingredients right so you can have that alittle at a time and keep mixing untilthe wet ingredients combined with thewedding the dry ingredients you’ll havea nice batter or ready to make yourpancakes all right we’re ready to cookour pancakes we have our frying panready to go we have the burner that thefrying pan is on a medium heat rememberit’s very important that mommy and daddyare helping you with this arts and weneed to put it first a little bit of oilinto the pan to make sure that ourpancakes do not stick I’m gonna spreadthat oil around and get my batter readyI’m going to take one scoop of thepancake mix and I’m gonna put it intothe frying panone two three oh all right I hear it’ssizzling which means that it’s gettingnice and hot on the first side we needto let it cook for a little bit of timeyou’ll know that it’s almost ready toflip when there’s a few bubbles that arestarting to pop on the top of thepancake I see that it’s almost readylet’s see what’s happening on the firstside of the cake – wow it looks great Ican’t wait to eat this pancake I hopeyourpancakes are turning out well too allright after you’ve used up all of yourpancake batter and you have a stack ofdelicious pancakes ready to eat it’stime to enjoy them with your family I’msure they’re gonna love to share whatyou think it’s so long to make I love toeat my pancakes with syrup so I’m goingto add a little bit of that and rememberthat it’s always good to think about thefood groups that you’re eating I love toeat pancakes also the fruits so I have astrawberry that I can eat with mypancakes today let’s see how they aredelicious great job I hope you enjoyyour pancakes and I hope that you’ll bejoining us again for another cookingexperience in the future have a greatday bye