The kids show us how to make pancakes! Things get a little out of hand but Daddy don’t care!
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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
okay having our next episode of daddydon’t care and the kids are gonna do acooking video for you they’re washing upright now so they’re washing their handsand they’re getting ready to cook andthey decided they wanted to makepancakesso let’s see how the kids make pancakesnot potato chips look let’s look what’sin the cabinet let’s see we got we gonnaneed syrup walnuts we’re putting peanutbutter in the pinky okay no that’spainting mix look it’s Krusty’s pancakemix yes put a little water in there andstir it up and see if you did if youlike it okay kick the walnuts around onthe floor for everybody that’s modern inthere no those are for the pancakes I’mwatching youyes put some water in there guys this isthe battle so far yeah stir it up racingme no more you guys so we actually gotfired from the school and tell we’ve gota part-time job at the bakery yeah okaybecause you’re throwing for the babiesWow that means that means you’re like 16now yeah yeah okay how’s that look isthat we got the bat already yeah looksgoodnow what are you putting in it yeah weare going to be present[Music][Music][Music][Music][Applause][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]okay Troy’s gonna try and get it out ofthe pan don’t burn yourself or I’ll looklike a bad parent[Music][Music][Music]busy see meCharlie you got to do this every daypeanut butter on a pancake peanut butterand chocolate chips I’m doing very goodthat’s a lot of peanut butter wheneverwe pancake syrup on there – yeah let’ssee it let’s seeno make $100yeah hello the first one turned out goodright yeah yeah okay time to wrap it upthe video yeah thank you subscribe andcomment down below what’s your favoriteokay all right