Pancakes Recipes

Jealous Fork Pancake Home Cooking Tutorial

We go over the steps of cooking your Jealous Fork pancake. What utensils to use, cooking time and heat.

Cooking Instructions: (tablespoon size pancakes)
Set skillet or flattop to medium heat
Evenly coat cooking surface with vegetable oil
Scoop pancake batter onto cooking surface
Cook for 4 to 6 minutes and then flip pancake
Let cook for another 3 to 5 minutes
Cooking surfaces and heat will vary from kitchen to kitchen so check your first pancake by cutting in half to make sure it’s perfect.

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Video Transcription

hello pancake people thank you so muchfor tuning in to this home tutorial I’mgoing to go through the steps to cookour gel for home batter I wanted tostart by thanking everybody has purchaseand support our small little businesshopefully the batteries in your homealreadyfirst off we want to start by settingthe temperature we recommend mediumtemperature that every kitchen isdifferent so just on your butt start bylightly coating your skillet we usevegetable oil and then something atthose pancakes in there I’ll grab a goodsized tablespoon like meas you might notice the tank battery isnot your typical panca value it’s more ahybrid between a biscuit and tank aboutit you want to let it sit and let itrise naturally you don’t want to squishit down and wait I’m gonna let this guyscook and I’ll take back with you guys ina secondwe’re back at the pancakes cooking forabout six minutes we want to take a lookat themlook at the pancake you’ll make sure yousee that there’s no change in the Eiffelover the batter that’s a matter actuallynade gonna need there you can seethat we have it’s gone beautiful calmcolor so it’syou can now see the batteries upongetting that nice right let’s do thatpush it down in any waywhich is the dumb them about it so oncethe storms awaymake sure the cover the batter wasairtight you’re gonna use dividertomorrow the second daythe planking said Melvinbefore here you see that they have afull cook on the side is no doughsee that we have a nice power on bothsidestake a look insideso fluffy pancakes got those nooks andcrannies the natural crossed gold crossthe both sides guaranteed winnerso when you cook at home make sure to becreative and share your ideas with usmaybe I’ll be too long

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