Apple Butter Pancakes are full of flavor and easy to make.
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good morning it’s time to cook again I’mgonna do breakfast againand we do something different everybodyloves pancakes at least I thinkeverybody does however I’m gonna makeapple butter pancakes it’s a littledifferent and it’s so rich and full offlavor you’ll probably not gonna eat theplain ones anymore after this so let’sget started I’ve got one of the quartercups of flour and two tablespoons ofsugar in this phoneand to that I’m gonna add two teaspoonsof baking powder make it nice and fluffytwo teaspoons of cinnamon and I have ahalf a teaspoon of salt half a teaspoonof ginger and 1/8 a teaspoon of nutmegin here so far we’re gonna work togetherto make sure all the dry ingredients areincorporated now you may or may not haveheard of apple butter before but it’swonderful I mean it’s on the same shelfas the grape jelly and the strawberryjam it’s just doesn’t seem to be aspopular in Houston as where I grew upbut I love apple butter on biscuits andtoast and whatever whenever you havepancakes okay so that’s mixed up thenthis at that aside for a moment okay ina large bowl I’m going to put one cup ofmilkI’ve got two tablespoons of meltedbutter just that around a little bit andI’ve got 1/8 gonna put the a bit can mixit up a little bit wise make sure thebutter goes in to cool up just a littlebit before the eggs so we don’t havescrambled eggs and your pancakes and nowI’ve got 1/4 cup of apple butter isn’tthat gorgeous rich thick dark beautifulshake it all that in there[Music]then we’re going to mix the two togethernow I’m going to fold and the dryingredients into the pedigree that’spretty simple so far right now foldingis not stirring I don’t know if you youprobably know the difference but just incase okay you took put your spatula inthe center of the bowl and you pull ittoward the edge and flip it over at thesame time you’re turning your bowl thisis to keep it from beating out all theair in the pancake so it stays nice andfluffy you don’t want to destroy thefluffinessthis just takes a little bit time gotthat baking powder in there I’m gonnalet it do its work I’m gonna turn thisstove on here real quick let thatskillet get heatedit’s not a beautiful rich color justkeep doing this until you get all of itdry ingredients incorporated into thewet ingredients you probably have all ofthese ingredients sitting around yourhouse except for maybe the apple butterand maybe after this pancake recipeyou’ll have apple butter too okay Ithink that’s about it we’re letting ourskillet get heated I’m gonna use a ladleto put them in a skillet I’m gonna rubjust a little bit of butter on theskillet not that it needs it justbecause I want todoesn’t take too long for this to getheated up you cook these for about 3 to5 minutes on each side depending on thetemperature you have obviously in yourskillet you could also use one of thoselarge electric skillets that you can puton your countertop my husband thinkshe’s the best pancake maker in thefamily I’m gonna let him think that butthat’s what he always uses okay so let’sand you make him whatever size you wantthat’s up to yousmall ones big ones whatever I’m gonnajust do two in the pants I don’tovercrowd itI probably tend to get them bigger thanthey need to be but whatever so I’mgonna cook these and then I’ll be backwhen they’re done you don’t need to sithere and watch the pancakes cookit’s like watching water boil anyway andI’ll show you what the results aresee you in a minute okay I’m backthe pancakes are cooked it made abouteight pancakes I have two of them hereI’m just adding a little fruit andorange juice with my breakfast and somemaple syrup now you can use any kind ofstir if you want but just want to showyou how beautiful and fluffy thesepancakes are you can see golden brownperfect color put a little maple syrupon them again whatever sir if you like Ilike careless tofu which is alsosomething you don’t hear a lot of againokay there it is beautiful bite and letenjoy my breakfast thanks for joining mebye bye