This was my attempt to make the best looking pancakes in the history of food blogging. I aimed it to be the mother of all, but at the end they didn’t look that gorgeous. I believe party due to my determination to not use any electric appliance 🙂
The last was still on point, along with consistency and looks.
Try to make it yourself and let me know if you were able to make it better than me 🙂
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello everyone today as most of you Iguess I am also at home Saturday so youdon’t have to work but we are all stuckwith connivance and hope everyone’sdoing safe and keeping a social distancetoday I’m trying to make a very fluffyjapanese-style pancake which is kind ofmaking it’s around on social media butthe last one yeah I’m a little bit lateto the game but it doesn’t matter rightyou can always make the best version andyou can still be late to the gameso I’m going to try to keep myingredients very simple and the processvery quick and efficient so in reallyshot this is what I’m gonna use I’mgonna use I’m gonna use a little bit ofright of a lemon and a little bit of itsjuice I’m gonna use one egg cuz I’m justmaking it for myself I plan to make atleast at least three or four pancakesjust almond white flour a little bit ofmilk I will give you the exact quantitywhen I’m making it it’s whole milk andthe key to my pancake is usually threekey spices that I use I actually use forI don’t have one of them so today we aregonna have to live with it I use a pinchof cardamom I think it takes your packetto a different level altogether somenormal stuff like cinnamon powder and apinch of nutmeg the four thing leaderwhich I use and I do not have is vanillaessence so if you guys have it add acouple of drops of vanilla essence andyou will see the magic that will happenin front of your eyes all right so let’sget started on making the banking andsee how it turns out to be all rightguys the first step which I will act dois something that I have never done inmy life and I have no guarantee if it’sgonna work out so the first step isactually to separate an egg kind of aweird thing to say when you’re trying tomake a cooking show that you haveactually never separated an egg butlet’s see let’s see so I’m going to usethis forI’m really nervous right now and see howit goesnot that bad I will say not that bad Iwould give it a seven out of ten I wasnot able to do it cleanly there’s stillsome skins but you know what it’salright I’m gonna use this spoon to takethose out and it shows you that nothingin life actually happens perfectly thefirst time so we have to keep trying andyeah we have to keep trying to makethings basically work out so the nextstep that I’m going to do is make my eggfluffy I’m not going to bore you guyswith that stuff so I’m gonna cut theball make it fluffy and then come backnot cut the coil cut the video alrightso now my eggs are kind of fluffy nextstep that you have to do is to add alittle of sugar and to be honest Iusually don’t have a lot of sugar to mypancake so I’m gonna add just a littlebit so that I can create thatconsistency and then keep keep it goingbasically all right guys so ideally Iwould like a more fluffy consistency butbecause I promise I’m not gonna use anyequipment I think my arm is gettingtired at this point so I believe most ofyou can get in this consistency it’sit’s fluffy enough so let’s move on tothe rest of it keep it on the side andbasically start stop walking with theyellow car little bit what I’m gonna dois add around 50 ml of milk by a littlebit of approximation and mix it up realnice that’s good I’m gonna add a littlebit of lemon juice to keep that flavor alittle bit of cardamom cinnamon andnutmeg mix it up that’s goodtake a spoon make so one one big heap offlour let me take two big heaps of flourand see how gifts hiso what happened was I needed to add alittle bit of more flour and a littlebit of mold milk in same proportion moreor less to get the quantity which willhelp me actually make four or five so Ican also save some for my dinneryep and for dinner is an amazing ideajust FYI so this is the consistency Ibelieve I want to have and now I’m gonnafold in my eggs yeah and why you arefolding the egg be very careful to notlet the the bubbles that are indisappear so be a little bit gentle youknow my hands got tired so I was notable to get the whole fluffy Ness andgoodness off it but we will see whatwhat happens I I’m not trying planningto use baking soda today because I wantto make it fluffy with with the pancakebatter in itself but again guys life isnot perfectso I’m gonna try the first one and showyou how it comes out and if it’s notfluffy enough well I am gonna add alittle bit of baking soda because I wantmy pancakes to be fluffy no matter whattoday all right amigos the rest of thevideo will be kind of a freestyle you donot have a stand and I wanted to get asclose to the action for you guys aspossible and without making a mess so Ihave put the pan it’s a nonstick pan tolevel 4 of an electric gas this is thebatter that we just prepared it’s stillpretty fluffy I would say let’s see I’mgonna try with one without withoutmaking a mess so far so goodI will use two spoons I think it’s alittle bit thin but let’s see let’s seehow it how it comes out to be there’sthe thing let me keep it upthe bubbles are good the bubbles aregoodwell I don’t think I’m very successfulin the in the expansion part but I canlittle confidence from this area it’s afine thing let’s see let’s seeyes it’s rising up a little bit I justFYII did add lemon the lemon zest all rightnot that good it’s too wide mmm let’stry another oneall right so the first one was acomplete failure I will say so let’s trythe second one if this is a completefailure too then guys I’m going to go tomy baking soda all right so this one isdefinitely fluffier than the first onelet’s seeall right guys I mean it’s still not asgood as I expected I think but againthis is not fake news this is what inreality is going on in my kitchen soexpectations vs. reality so this is notthat bad this is not that bad I’m goingto take it so now I’m going all out Imade three of them let’s see band ofthat badthat’s nonstick BAM not that badI need to keep this thing three on threeall right so this is the final producttoday good pretty good pretty fluffy asyou can see I have added a lot of butterI also made one pretty big for peoplewho won’t read their pancake ridiculoushighs and I’m gonna drizzle it where thelaw it’s not maple job it’s just regularsugar sit up I think they use it inHolland for us truth awful or somethingjust call it from my little store itlooks prettyfascinatingly beautiful let’s taste howit is all right maybe it’s too thickmaybe it’s do you think it’s too thickyeslet’s see how’s the taste right theylook pretty fluffy try don’t point righton point and always always enjoy yourpancake with a cafe con leche coffeewith milk not that much