Pancakes Recipes

I tried to make the recipe from the 1886! (TZAR PANCAKES ft. Rhubarb compote)

This Tzar pancakes recipe is not an ordinary quickly-made 3-ingredient one… This particular pancake recipe is over 130 years old, it takes a day to make and it definitely has more than just 3 ingredients. If you are into that kind of thing, that’s a place for you 🙂 I’ve also made some Rhubarb compote to accompany those delicious Tzar pancakes.

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Here’s the recipe for TZAR PANCAKES (in the same order as they are used in the video):
– 7.5 g Active Dry Yeast
– 40 g Warm Milk
– 5 g Sugar
– 300 g Buckwheat Flour
– 260 g Warm Milk
– 3 Egg Yolks
– 120 g Sour Cream
– 30 g Butter (softened)
– 9 g Salt
– 18 g Sugar
– 420 g Warm Milk
– 240 g Unbleached Bread Flour
– 3 Egg Whites

Ingredients for RHUBARB COMPOTE:
– 6 cups Rhubarb (medium dice)
– 2 cups Sugar

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| I tried to make the recipe from the 1886! (TZAR PANCAKES ft. Rhubarb compote)|

#TzarPancakes #Recipe #Rhubarb #HowToCook #OldRecipes #Cookbook #RhubarbCompote #Pancakes #PancakesRecipe #RussianRecipe #OldRussianRecipe

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Video Transcription

[Music]good day my dear friends today’s videois dedicated to pancakes but notordinary quickly made three ingredientpancakes no this particular recipe isover hundred and thirty years old Ipersonally found it in the old Russianculinary handbook of 1886can you imagine let me take you way backto the origins today we’re cooking Tsarpancakes as you might have noticed Ihave already mixed up here the pancakebase consisting of yeast warm milk andbuckwheat flour so mix all thoseingredients with a spatula and let itrest for one hourafter an hour you can add egg yolks makesure to keep the whites though we willneed them later on sour cream buttersalt sugar more milk and unbleachedbread flour mix everything togetheragain and let it rest Ohsome may say proof for at least anothertwo hours at room temperature here it’simportant to point out that you need totake a large enough bowl because themixture will grow twice in size at firstI thought I’ve chosen the proper size ofa bowl but I was wrong as you will seein a minute I will be using a differentBowl by the end of this video so takeadvantage and learn from my mistakes nowlet’s take a moment here while you watchme mixing and talk about buckwheat ohyesbuckwheat there is probably no otherindividual ingredient that is used andloved as much by Russians than buckwheatI can only think of sour cream as acompetitor here but it’s not really acompetition is it by the way if you likethis video and want move off properlytasty pancake videos to be me let meknow in the comments belowI have probably another 10 to 15original recipes of Russian pancakes andtheir derivativesthey were made in good ol days anothernote did you know that unlike many othernations Russians look at pancakes as astandalone savory dish rather than asweet dessert some of the most commonfeelings for pancakes are mushroomsground meat fish and Oh m’god liverwhile the dough is rising let’s quicklystart our rhubarb compote rhubarbbecause it has a very short season inCanada and the time is exactly now so Iwanted to benefit fully from it andcompote because unlike jam jellymarmalade and other sweet preservescompote is a very Russian way topreserve fruits for winter funny enoughin Russian the word compote means acompletely different thing it refers toa sweet food drink and the word by Indiameans what all the rest of the world isreferring to as camp oh okay now you arefluent in Russian the recipe is prettystraightforward here just diced or barbstems to medium dice add sugar andsimmer on low heat keyboard low forabout half an hour until all the sugarmelts and rhubarb flesh softens a bitvery important to use low heat whenmaking compost if you use medium or highyour fruits and berries will become allmushy and it won’t be a compote anymorehere is another interesting fact aboutrhubarb strangely it’s not that commonnow but before making this video I’vetalked to my mother who had also nevertried it herself but she told me thatshe heard it from her mother who hadused rhubarb a lot when she was youngbut she had mostly used the rhubarbleaves not stems making sour soupsduring post-war timesokay our pancakes are almost ready nowtime to add the last ingredient andwe’re good to gotake those reserved from earlier eggwhites whip them to soft peaks and foldthem gently into the mixturelet everything rest for another 20minutes egg whites will elevate ourdesire pancakeseven further and give them additionalfluffiness make sure that you do notover beat the egg whites or over mix thepancake mixture afterwards if you overdoone or another just like in the Moosepancakes will become chunky and not airyas they should be meanwhile we canquickly make some clarified butter fromcooking our pancakes clarified butterlegs proteins inside let have first inline to burn which makes it perfect forfrying pancakes before you start fryingthough here’s another tip for you set upa warm plate station for your pancakesI’ve just used the same pot with hotwater where my butter was gettingclarified and put a plate on top in thisway your pancakes will be kept warm allthe way through the process for fryingyou can use the non-stick pan if youwish oh you can use the cast iron pan asI do either way don’t forget to use theclarified butter both on your pan and ontop of each cooked pancake Russianpancakes must be fatty there is simplynothing diet about them if you preferyou can also use normal butter on top ofeach pancake or better use the whippedbutter it will melt easily and getsoaked up by the freshly fried newpancakes[Music]here is my pancake tower from all theseingredients I’ve managed to make about20 pancakes probably a bit too much fortwo people but I can always fresh freezewhat you are not going to eat the sameday and you freeze it when you feel likepancakes again okay guys thank you forwatching my back to the roots stylevideo about old Russians our pancakesand rhubarb compote I hope you’velearned something new and will not shyaway ever againfrom lone and complicated recipessometimes we need some slow cooking inour lives to allow us to think andappreciate the ingredients fully if youare wondering how you can support mychannel please like and comment on thisvideo share it with your friends andsubscribe if you haven’t done it alreadythat’s it for today see you in the nextvideo[Music]

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