Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi guys welcome back to my channel todaywe’re making some yummy pancakes and youneed this is what you need you need afull a bowl a spoon to mix some eggs 1/21/2 cup of sugar or it depends on howsugar you want it to be and some butterbut we already melted that you need tomelt it and a cup of milk and a cup ofplain flour and what we need to do weneed to mix the eggs a little bit andnow we’re gonna put the flour and in thebowl I’m gonna make sure so we’ve gottwo and there’s no lumps now now now weput we have that done and now we thesugar inI know just gonna mix that now we’regonna put the eggs in and mixed up readyso now we’ve mixed that I’m gonna putthe melted butter now we’re gonna put myfavorite pot in the milk it’s myfavorite I’m just gonna pour it inwell not all of it yeah we’re just gonnado a little bit at times[Music]and mix it really good now I’m going tonow we’re going to put the rest of themilk in it’s not much left so I put oneof that in and now we’re just gonna mixit breatheand this is how you turn it into the andnow I’m gonna end the video here but I’mgonna show you how cuz they’re gonna frythem now and I’m gonna update you afterand show you how they look before I eatthem and then I’ll tell you how theytaste so I hope you enjoy this videolike subscribe and I’ll see you in thenext video bye