Pancakes Recipes

HOW2: make pancake art with my Aba (Dad)

In this video I decide to make a Captain Underpants pancake art with the help of my Aba (Dad) who came all the way from NYC; and here are the steps for you to learn how to make pancake art at home!

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

hi friends welcome back sure the coronavirus is still on the loose but my Abbawhich is a preferred add all the wayfrom New York City is able to come hereand I’m happy about that because he’sgoing to help us show you I’m comingover during the corona virus made methink of something I saw a while ago Isaw some pancake art videos a while agoand I thought that would be a good topicfor a how-to video so let’s get right toitstep one now it’s just a matter ofadding that mix and some water step onecomplete so then you move on to yourcake mix and the cups are for separatingdiscolor it’s supposed to be the pinkyes and this one was the red yesto mix the white rest’ beautiful yeahbeautiful white if you want to make it alittle bit lighter you want this youlike this pink yes we have pink we havewhite what else we need black and redokay now we mix there red yeah I’ll mixthe red mix that where it’s at manthat’s the thread I’m nextlaughs anyway then you move on to step 4decide what you want to make I’m makingCaptain Underpantswhich i practicing sir it’s the otherway aroundbut when we flip it over it’ll lookexactly like the one on the book butbefore we do any of that stuffwe need to cook the butter into thesespecial containers ink it this one thered is deciding the white is this oneand the eyes and the inside of the mouthand the lines on the underwear okay thisis gonna be very very difficult butlet’s let’s pour these bottles[Music]Ohlooks like a tea did I spill anythingno did I make a mess[Music][Laughter]Percy the memo Coco Coco Mon Ami Luisathis container is the biggest so it willbe a breeze for me okaynow you need to be an expert at joiningbackwards because when you flip it overit’ll look exactly the way it’s supposedto look the best way to start is to drawthe outline and when you’re done youfelt the whole thing and what the finalcolor that you use okay first make apotato shape a liner brush for hisunderwear and if Coulson is[Music]doing great[Music]okayperfect Fitzie now we put in the color[Music]the next step is to wait for yourmasterpiece to finish cookingmasterpieceyes are you guys ready you flip is thatit you flip it shall we do it togetheryes[Music]you are so good that is we underestimateyou well that was some fun video you cando it too that’s why I made this I wantyou say we sign off by putting the stickof TNT into the stove okay[Music]you

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