Learn how to make my favorite protein pancakes. Healthy and Natural. You can make it vegan by replacing the egg whites with a banana. Also, enjoy the homemade fruit syrup, is delicious!
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Nathalie Paris
#NathalieParis #Pancakes #Healthy
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
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Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello everyone welcome back to a cookingvideo today I’m gonna show you how tomake the perfect protein pancakes theseare great if you’re trying to go andhelp you out if you’re building muscleat the gym if you love pancakesthese are super clean healthy andnatural and I can’t wait to show you thefirst thing you’re gonna need is aprotein powder I like all kinds ofprotein powders so many differentflavors you can choose from it’s a greatsource of protein I would add around 1to 2 scoops of protein powder you’regonna need some oatmeal which is a greatsource of protein and fiber I’m gonnaadd 5 tablespoons you’re also going toneed three egg whites you’re gonna addaround one to two tablespoons of almondmilk to give it some flavor I’m going toadd cinnamon powder something like thisand I’m just gonna I’m gonna teach youhow to make my own syrup I rather makemy own and my grandma actually taught mehow to make syrup when I was reallyyoung with fruit you can pick yourfavorite fruits any fruit that you likeyou know fruit is basically sugar myfavorite to do with pancakes israspberry you can also do this for likea cake like a snitch is cake orsomething like that I’m gonna put thisto medium heat both of them all I’mgonna do is add a little bit of coconutoil so I’m just gonna spray there forthe paint paint so I’m gonna actuallyadd a little bit of water to it a tinylittle bit once this is getting warm mymeal makes protein pancake delicious[Music]just the beginning these pancakes cookmuch faster which is even better you’regonna need one of these at some point tocover it and it helps it get moretherapy does that make sensenot yet but I’m just letting you knowcomment down below any cooking requeststhat you have yeah another things you’llsee yeah yeah toasty I like to thecrotch crotch ooh this is what you knowit’s working now it’s in progress it’sbubbling up our pinkie is getting toastyI also make them a bit thinner but youcan make them thicker depending on howmuch mix you use with the rest of my mixI’m gonna make a thicker pancake this isa perfect portion personal portion ifyou wanted to make this a little bitmore fun you can add dark chocolatechips dark chocolate is actually reallyhealthy for you it’s good for the heartit’s good for everything in moderationyou know the way I cook is just by eyelike I don’t go away my sugar that’sspicyum and it works for me it works for meso this one is toasty toasty here wehave the perfect protein pancakes I putmy raspberry syrup in this little thingand you always want to taste it beforeyouit’s good it’s good it’s good good goodcould you try these pancakes at homesend me a photo through social media Ilove to see itthis monument especially of Russell andI’ll see you next timethe Ava’s child