Pancakes Recipes

How To Make The Perfect Pancake for National Pancake Week! | Carlienne Cooks

National Pancake week is coming up and its one of the all time best breakfasts dishes in the world! And since it’s one of Adrienne’s favorite breakfast it’s a no-brainer for me to be able to whip out the best pancakes I can make!

We’re going to stick to the basics and give you an easy pancake guide to follow. You can use it as a base for any of the other pancakes you want to make!

Find the recipe here:’s-fluffy-pancake-recipe/


Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

good morning guys Carl here NationalPancake Week is coming up and I wantedto give you an easy tasty pancake guideto follow so you can make it for yourboot day for this pancake guide you’renot gonna need very much in fact youdon’t even have to separate your dryingredients and your wet ingredients andall that stuff now all you’re gonna needis two eggs an extra yolk lemon zestthree tablespoons of sugar twotablespoons of salt one and a halftablespoons of baking powder 1 cup ofmilk one and a half cup of all-purposeflour and 1/4 cup of clarified butterthat one’s optional but you should do itif you don’t know how to make clarifiedbutter no worries it’s super easy allyou’re gonna do is melt some cold butterand ladle out any of the milk solidsthat come out of it once it’s meltedclarified butter has a high smoke pointso if you’re one of those people thatreally care about that smoke point useit honestly I just use clarified butterbecause it’s butter and it’s tasty toget our batter started we’re gonna placethe eggs that extra yolk the sugar saltand lemon zest into your mixing bowl andmix it together we’re gonna activate ourbaking powder by adding it to this mixand giving it a good stir you don’t wantany of the baking powder or clumps inthere so make sure you get it nice andincorporated next we’re gonna add ourmilk and mix that together now for theflour we’re gonna add it little bylittle giving it a gentle stir clumpsare okay like those little clumps youdon’t want to over whisk this batterjust like any other betteronce you’ve incorporated all the flouradd a little bit of your clarifiedbutter probably about 1/4 cup of it itbrings the richness and the tastiness toanother level and it’s butter it’s supergood now it’s time to make pancakesyou’re gonna heat your pan to about amedium and use some of the extraclarified butter to cook these pancakesin you’re gonna ladle in some of thebatter and cook it until it’s nicelybrown on the bottom and those little airpockets start to form now be careful onthe flip you don’t want to flip it toaggressively you’re gonna flatten outthe pancake and it’s no longer fluffyand also you don’t want to do it toorough just because you might splatterand burn yourself with flyingclarified butter I like to do the secondside for about a minute it’s not as longas the first side just check the bottomto see if it’s at the color that youwant it and then just put it on yourplate and repeat over and over and overagain until you have a nice fluffy stackof pancakes now I’m not much of thepancake person but I know someone inthis house who is and let’s see what shethinks that these pancakes[Music]

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