WELL…. we tried lmao. We thought we would do a pancake competition for fun for pancake day and well as you can see the recipe was a disaster
But we managed to bring it back at the end and smash it!! Well, kind of lol
I hope this brings you some entertainment today
Enjoy my loves
P. S – Head to my page to see the GIVEAWAY taking place
Love you all
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
this is probably not a good angle but wemove let me find someone to put you guysover here it’s here a good placehi guys welcome back to my youtubechannel lots so today we have myselflatoya an axiom pancake zone i knowthat’s what we look a mess that’s whythe hair is tied back the glasses areslipping off my head i’m in a dustycrusty jumper no one is trying to lookcute because we about to get messythe toy is doing a show for us in thebackground you know just said this isall guys come say hi wow that took about10 years just to coaster hi hi sorrywe’re doing pancake was basically we’reall gonna but we’re gonna make one largebatter or pancake and just see who canmake them the best more than a judgeupon consistency of the pancake we’regonna judge it on the appearance of thepancake and we’re going to judge it onthe taste so some of us are gonna behaving fruit I just like it plain andsimple maple syrup maybe some bananasAshton likes bananas and chocolate sowe’re gonna do it like the toppings ourown way but we’re going to judge thetaste or the actual pancakes themselvesso let’s see how this goes that’s thewar begin let’s go so beneath the Sunwhat’s the guy that that is that reallysilly cool Ainsleyyou’re calling yourself a man land foryourself imagine a bill observance at apeople and he’s like what you going towash them bill from the ghetto wash thembright ingredients what we need to putwe need a frying pan a measuring cupself-raising flour caster sugar someeggs some whipped cream because some ofus like whipped cream white chocolatechips we’ve got bacon powder which comesin little sachets which I really reallylike and maple syrup at banana and we donot drink normal milk because that’sgrossso we have oats milk so god knows howthe consistency is gonna turn out of oatsmoke but we’re gonna try anywayyou guys ready okay we have a mix of aworkshop at the camera that’s goodlightning I mean it’s mixing butjourdan’s OCD so put in the standaloneas wellhow much do we need Koivu 22 tablespoonso guys I don’t have scales sauce Idon’t have scales we’re doing 22 spoonsof ityeah because under that scale so that’sa nice round as a whole you that’s doingthat video coos yeah that’s fine forthem the next one you’re doing only 22spoons of self-raising flour and 1/2teaspoons that should be one of them allof them yes it goes to free honestlystop counting this is a lot I don’t knowhow many people were speeding up its forfor Pangos I’m doing I’ve done them inheaps Oh should I do like 18 instead of22 I’m gonna cheat in the recipe look nothat’s eight it’s gonna be like on yourticket or something with I think that weshould have everything[Music]22:15 I’m doing 15 because I’m tellingyou that’s more about 22 okay I knowabout consistency do you got mean soit’s but treating a little bit becauseI’ve been doing heaps like heapedtablespoon so I said of doing flat onesmy tablespoons look like this so I saidthey’re doing 22 because it justlogically changed the flour challengewhat people used to just go do you mindthat was a cinnamon times I’ve been usedto eating nearly died cinnamon that’s itthat’s it that’s it that’s how muchbacon hold up okay right so bakingpowder and one and a half tablespoonshow many grams Oh teaspoon sorry howmany bad days we’ll just one and a halfteaspoon okay but this is your friendhas mostexactly that’s my pointhow many whoa okay I mean I might aswell use the whole thingno cuz we don’t know the pancakes theyraise too much was just usedself-raising and then the packet oh healso wanted to be a fluffy fluffyyou know texture right so um DannyWilson in caution one teaspoon of castorsugar one table oh I couldn’t see I justthought so one tablespoonI want a heaped one level[Music]when I’m doing this yeah it’s likethey’re bubbles in it it’s like you knowthat’s this is American style yeah nobut look this is what this is why ourparents look and I just say this is whyour parents bought us the homemade onesbecause Shhit actually says to leave it to fluffyso it says you meant to let it rest forlike two minutes before you actuallycook it so it can just like that it’scause they’re American stuff becausewhoo why would we not just make butwe’re not in this is much better nowyour forearms really doing some workno no have something most workers hadit’s not because what he does is thisorder in it and so lies got wristproblems do you think it’s got carpaltunnel arthritis 100right okay all right kind of[Applause]yeah that’s okay right so now we needabout we need them thisI just said you think it or not be saidno but now you’re not yet it wasn’tyou can’t make a dollar so yeah sorryso how are you feeling I never played onDrew’s a minuteit takes me to see I’m sorry I just suckupWow we’re just like three dumb in literally whoa it’stime to bubble got one bubbleall right so this is how turned out -the top is what do my talking aboutseparate things is heart-shaped everyonewears the whole thisyeah they guys a heart shape you shouldhave never sold it a real you just lostyou must have self the game my turningnow in the kitchen or your daughter Iwonder what she’s doing it seems liketorrents making pancakes the size of myheadwe thinkGimenez just used the whole batter whenAshton’s wondering what she will usesplit juice of mentos the spit juice Wowso I’m going back to be Indian sterlingthe code previewLatoya’s she proper tried to peel ourprey imminent but yes in judging me mmmI probably should have added this[Music]honestly and she’s making a monsterwhat are you doing my vanilla extractoh so when you’re buying vanilla extractand you’re pretending that you weren’tbuying it for the pancake you’re buyingit the renge no I just remembered I hadeverything I wanted I guess you don’tget it on it you should have put it init because I don’t want you to haveanything she’s so people if you see myface right now you understand but I haveto split mine and heart because therewas two they’re too big it doesn’treally look very very much like so Istandcome onright so now the shape of an almond[Laughter]honestly it actually worksmm-hmm you just have to follow the panaround a bit and you said Mangal ShariaPashtun that’s not gonna cook at all youneed to spread that out yeah I knowAshton you use the back of this or thespoon is here the back of – to the backof the roundedtraditionally that another muscle pieceof epic CCS always be never experiencedwhich have to save using ashes that isnot cool they realize the biggest thingI’ve never stayed together southyou just wanted it to be competitive onthe playerthis is mineshe’s cheating this is the toilet Ithink Latoya is my one for decoration soAshton oh yeah the Crematorythis is okaybecause I feel like into this part ofthe papec and it’s not going to becooked right consistency Latoya one forappearance and I want the taste rightguys alright so basically we’re tightand we work together as a team but yeahI’m gonna go enjoy the rest of ourpancakes thank you guys for watchingsomething so ludicrous and crazy and Iknow we probably made ourselves on thatwe can’t cook but we can I swearlove you guys and I’ll see you the nextwater from say bye