Pancakes Recipes

How to Make SUPER Moist Fluffy Tender Pancakes | Wally Cooks Everything

There are hundreds of “how to make pancake recipes on Youtube”. I’ve tried out a lot of different pancake recipes. I found one that works the best for me, with the fewest ingredients.

This super fluffy pancake recipe is easy to make and yummy to eat. There are a few key tips I’ve highlighted in this video for making fluffy flapjacks. So, watch and learn!
Makes approx. 10 pancakes

Dry Ingredients:
1½ cup all purpose flour
2 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon

Wet Ingredients: (make sure all ingredients are room temperature)
1 cup butter milk ( or add 1 tablespoon white vinegar to 1 cup room temperature whole fat milk)
4 tablespoon melted unsalted butter
2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 large egg

Combine and sift dry ingredients into mixing bowl. Then combine wet ingredients, mix and then add to dry ingredients.

Mix just until you don’t see large clumps of dry ingredients. It is okay to have small lumps throughout this pancake batter. Whatever you do, do not over mix. You’ll end up with chewy pancakes 🤢.

Heat a pan on medium low heat and add a tablespoon of butter. Spread butter throughout the pan with a paper towel if needed.

Add ½ cup of batter to the pan. Flip pancake when sides of pancake look cooked and bubbles form on top, about 3 minutes.

Other side of pancake require less time to cook, about 1 to 2 minutes.

Enjoy with plenty of butter and real maple syrup!

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hey everyone thank you for joining me myname is Wally and you’re watching Wallycooks everything and today I’m makingpancakesjust simple pancakes no blueberries nochocolate no banana no nothingthese are fluffy pancakes and theyremind me of the pancakes that I hadwhen I was growing up in New York Citythere’s a lot of there was the boatthere was a lot of Greek diners there’snot so many today but when I was a youngkid I would go to the Greek diners andeat like pancakes with sausage andscrambled eggs so I was looking for apancake recipe that was very very closeto the diners the Greek diners that isthat I ate in when I was growing up inNew York City pancakes in Asia isconsidered dessert but if you thinkabout it it sort of is just like when Imade my video for French toast my wifesaid the same thing when I made it forher the first thing she said was why whyare you giving me dessert so in AsiaFrench toast waffles pancakesit’s basically a dessert all right sothis is a very very simple recipe Idon’t know why people bother buying boxrecipes so to start off I’m going tomake the dry mix and I’m going to need acup and a half of AP flour one cup andyes I’m gonna be sifting this becauseyou want to make sure that the dryingredients are well incorporated that’sa cup and a half of flour and 1 teaspoonof salt 1 teaspoon of salt 2 tbsp ofsugarand one tablespoon of baking powder Iknow it seems like a lot of bakingpowder but we need it because it’s goingto give our pancakes the fluffiness okayso that’s one tablespoon of bakingpowder okay and just sift it sift it alltogether okay so now that I know thateverything’s well incorporated so that’sit I’m done with my dry mix and now I’mgoing to make my wet so as I said fromour wet I have 1 cup of buttermilk okayso if you don’t have buttermilk and ifyou know because who does at their homethese days right you can add 1tablespoon of white vinegar to one cupof milk now make sure that the milk isroom temperature because if you add thewhite vinegar to cold milk it’s notgoing to curdle ok so I’m gonna add 1large egg to my buttermilk make surethat your eggs are fresh in Bangkok I’mlucky to have a local wet market near myhome and I can just go and shop forfresh eggs and then here I have 4tablespoons of melted butter make surethat the melted butter is roomtemperature 2 all rightand then finally 2 teaspoons of vanillaextract and 2 then we’re done I’m gonnagive it a good mix so I can break upthat whole egg I put inside and thenhere’s a difficult part you put the wetmix into the dry and that’s it look atthat difficult right so in the universeof pancake cooking this is the mostimportant step and that is to never overmix this okay and I’ll show you what I’mtalking about so you just want to breakup the big clumps of flour I preferusing a spatula to do this because youdon’t want to activate the gluten in theflour so you just want to gently mix itbecause if you mix this too much you’regonna end up with rubbery texturedpancakes and that’s not yummy so I’mgonna show you I’m going to and thenjust make sure you get to the bottom andjust dig out the flour that’s underneathscrape the sidesokay and that’s it now if you look atthat you’re gonna say to yourself wowthat that doesn’t look too mixed butthat’s the way it’s supposed to be okaynow I know how you feel I’m OCD so myinstinct is to going and like pop everysingle pocket of those flower and get itmixed well but you know you got to tellyourself that in order to control yourOCD you just have to tell yourself youjust got to trust because all thesepockets of goodness is going to makeyour pancakes extra fluffy okay time totalk about depends a little bit this isa nonstick griddle pan I know that not alot of households have this I’m but as Isaid I used to have a bakery and a cafein Bangkok Thailand so I still use thisquite often you can also use you knowjust a regular standard pan but I preferthese griddle type pans because as youcan see there’s no stop the sides arevery low so I can flip my pancakes outvery easily with this style of pan okayso now time to make some pancakesokay so right now I have this pan onmedium low heatyou don’t want high heat because youdon’t want to overcook your pancakes toofast I’m just going to make sure thatjust pan is well buttered and while thispant gets a little bit warm I’m going toshow you what I’m gonna be using to makethe pancakes it’s just a regular ladlebut I’m not gonna fill up the wholeladle this is just gonna be about half acup of pancake batter you can use thisto sort of just help the butter spreadon the pan or you can just use a papertowel it doesn’t matter it’ll workperfectly okay so my pan is ready you’regonna put in half a ladle of pancakesokay so as you can see it’s starting tocook and this side is starting to bubbleso what I’m looking for right now isthat the sides are starting is startingto solidify a little bit and we’regetting they’re getting close very veryimportant to keep your eye on the heaton your griddle because it can overheatvery easily so it’s always a good ideato adjust your heat it takes about threeminutes to cook one side and then justflip as you can see the pancake is kindof high right and that’s what you’relooking for a fluffy pancake that’s highso you know that the buttermilk isworking withis working together with the bakingpowder to to fluff up your pancakes sothis side should take about two minutesto cook okay so I’m done with my firstone and on to my second pancake yesevery time I put in a new pancake Ialways add new butter as you can see mypan is very hot now so I’m gonna take itoff the heat a little bitI’m going to go in with another halfladleI’m gonna lower the heat a little bitbecause it shouldn’t sizzle that muchI’m no problemok so these are the key signs that yourpancakes starting to cook the size orlook a little bit cooked and then itbubbles on top so now you know it’sready to flipand it’s a protip you see on a brownbutter on the side you want to use yourpancake to just sort of brush it allright because I don’t know about you butbrown butter is like it’s an awesometaste just gonna show you the other sideokay so now you know it’s well doneright okay this is done so I’m gonnatake it off and if your pancakes startgetting a little odd shaped you can juststart and move in and just sort ofreshape it and just sort of make itroundish you go start move some butterinokay so this is my pancake number sixthis recipe here will make about 10pancakes and I don’t want to risksounding too boring so I’m gonna addsome blueberries these our frozenblueberries that I just took out of thefreezer I don’t recommend defrostingyour blueberries because blueberrieshave a tendency to bleed meaning it’sgoing to make your pancake look purpleso best to use frozen blueberries andjust pop it on top of your pancakes okayokay so just dinamo slip it overis pancake number sevenoh look at these huhcheck it out it’s high so you know it’sfluffyalright this recipe it makes about 10pancakes but because I was using aslightly larger ladle I ended up withabout 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 pancakes okaybut it’s a pretty good you know oneserving for me that is but we all knowthis isn’t finished yet because I’mgonna need some butter yeah I know somemore butter right there get Juche rightthere you know I see good juice you knowbecause you’re home for about two monthsduring this coronavirus thing you makewords up the dish and then what’s nextmaple syrup there you go all right justwiped away that butter okayso that’s it and now taste test oh yeahjust want to soak the lot of buttermmm it’s just like me being back in aquick darnit back in York City and thispiece is the ones of blueberries tookthat out they cool up mm-hmmokay so I’m gonna cut it off right herebecause I’m gonna add more butter to mypancakes and I want to gross people outbut anyways as you can see this is avery very simple recipe to make actuallyall pancakes is very very into methere’s no need to go out and buy thosebox mixes you just have to have freshingredients and make sure that all yourgradients are room temperatureespecially the the wet stuff like thebuttermilk even your eggs and the butterand another important tip is don’t overmix your pancakes and don’t worry aboutthe lumps because when it starts cookingit’ll work itself out and you end upwith fluffy pancakes like I did okay sothanks for watching again so if you likethis video please give it a thumbs up ifyou try it out this recipe let me knowin the comments below I’m pretty surethat it’s gonna work out just perfectlyfor you just as the just as it did forme and also subscribed to my channelplease to support me and hit the bellowof the kitchen button because I’ve beenmaking new videos about once every weekso thanks for watchingtry out these pancakes I know you loveit and take care good bye

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