Pancakes Recipes

How to make SUPER FLUFFY buttermilk pancakes

In this video I will be showing you how to make delicious fluffy pancakes.
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don’t be shy with it you deserve it ahsuch a beautiful thing but what is goingon guys welcome to actually the veryfirst episode up the every stateoccasion on this channel I’m going to beshowing you guys quick and easy recipesthat you can make delicious food in thecomfort of your own home guys how tomake beautiful classic now if you wantto enjoy today’s video please leave alike subscribe to the channel and turnon post notifications with that you getnotified whenever I upload my next videoso that further ado let’s get right intothe videothe first step to making gorgeous burnappendix is prepping the dry greetingsnow here at do you want a half cups ofall-purpose flour and to apply I’m goingto add two tablespoons of granulatedwhite sugar 1/4 of a teaspoon of salt ateaspoon of baking soda and a teaspoonof baking powder and you’re just gonnatake your whisk you’re gonna gentlywhisk it now this is actually the firststep but we finished making thebuttermilk pancakes now just to get ourwet ingredients prepare those and we canbegin to dry our package the second stepto making beautiful pancakes with thewet ingredients not here I have two anda half cups of buttermilk I don’trecommend you use milk because when youuse buttermilk there is such a beautifulflavor in the pancakes and you reallydon’t get that when you use milk now toup firm I’m gonna add two egg yolks anda teaspoon of vanilla extract and againjust whisk it make the pancakes this issuper easy process but if you don’t doit right your end result is gonna be adisaster[Music]yeah beautiful now we just need combinedand dry ingredients and the wetingredients and we can begin from ourpackets now that we have our dryingredients and our wet ingredientswe just need to combine them too so youget your wet ingredients which is thefunnel and the eggs and pour it in tothe Dragons and now people actually themoment you get your rubber spatula andgently pull the flour over the wetingredients now you do not want to overmix the batter or else that would causeyour pancakes be super flat trust me noone wants that now okay gently pull thedragon over the wet ingredients youdon’t want to be whisking or a beatingthe batter like you did with the whiskfor the wet ingredients or the dragreading just wanna pull gently pull itnow having some pockets of flour it’sfine you won’t taste it in the endresult of the pancakesthe final step of the batter is addingthe egg whitesnow some people most people they beatthe egg whites until they have stiffpeaks I found that if you add the eggwhites into the batter plane you stillget beautiful fluffy pancakes now youwanna also like we did the last step andbut you really don’t want to see any ofthat anyway but we still don’t want toovermix the batter as you can see wehave a beautiful[Music]now we can begin the most fun part oftraffic right okay so you finished thebatter and all that’s left is frying thepancakes so you want to take about 1/4of a cup of batter and put it in thecenter of your pennow this pan is heated to medium-lowheat and I spread it with a bit of oilmake sure you don’t make the pancake toobig or else that’ll make it really hardfor you when it’s time to flip thepancake so you want to let the pancakecook for about two to three minutes andonce you start to see little air pocketsforming on the top of the pancake that’san indicator that it’s time for you toflip your pancake it’s been about twominutes and ice I’m starting to seelittle air pockets performing on the topof the pancake that means I can gentlygo under the pancake with my woodenspatula and go over to flip it now beconfident in this process because ifyou’re not confident you gonna have somebatteries sliding all over the pan trustme no one wants that so after you flipthe pancake you’re only going to let itcook for about 30 seconds because it’sdone most of its cooking on the firstside after the pancakes finished justput it on a plate and you do it with therest of the batter and there you have itbeautiful pancakes don’t be shy nowagain if you enjoyed today’s videoplease subscribe to the channel hit thatlike button andI’d like to know what you have to sayabout these pancakesthank you guys for watching and I’ll seeyou next time on the everyday kitchen[Music]

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