Pancakes Recipes

How to make Spring Onion Pancakes without any fancy ingredients.

We love Spring Onion Pancakes and in this video, we share how to make a simple version without any fancy ingredients. They will be crispy, satisfying and oh so delicious.
Try them with your favourite chilli oil to have a yummy snack!

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2 cups plain
½ cup boiling water
1 tsp salt
⅓ cup cold water
1 tbsp oil
1 – 1 ½ cups chopped spring onion / scallion (green part only)

Put flour and salt into a bowl, mix and create a well in the middle

Add boiling water and let sit for 10 minutes without mixing

After 10 minutes, add the cold water and the oil and just combine all ingredients into a ball, this can be rough looking. Cover with cling film and let rest for 5 minutes.

Now, knead the dough until it is smooth and bounces back when pressed down slightly. Form into a ball, cover with cling film and let rest again, this time for 20 minutes.

When the time is up, take the ball and give it a quick knead. You might have to add a little flour to prevent sticking. Cut into 4 equal parts.

While working with one quarter, keep the others covered to prevent drying out.

Roll the dough into a small ball, flatten and then add oil to both sides of the disc. Then roll out to about 2mm thickness.

Sprinkle about a quarter of the chopped spring onion over the dough, leaving about a cm free all around.

From the end closest to you, roll the disc up into a sausage shape. Then scroll it into a tight snail, press it flat.

Do the same with the rest of the dough, keep covered to prevent drying out. Once done with all dough, let rest for another 10 minutes.

After the final resting, roll the snails out into pancakes, adding a bit of oil if needed.

Heat your frying pan on medium to high heat, add a little oil and then fry the pancake until golden brown on both sides, about 8 minutes total.

Cut the pancake into six wedges each and serve with your favourite chilli oil.

Keep the cling film to cover the dough throughout the whole process
You can roll out all pancakes before frying. If you do so, keep the pancakes on a plate with baking paper in between them to avoid sticking.
Otherwise, while frying a pancake you can roll out the next one.

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Video Transcription

hi there hi welcome to our Channelmy name is Josh I’m Stefan and we areboth Etsuko hi everyone welcome back toour channel – circle today we’re gonnacook Chinese spaghetti pancakes theyreally love things Oliver Brown comesinside his house and she’s got a lovelyrooftop terrace and we sat there andtrouble them down with this lovely hotchili oil it’s one of our third disheslike a snake you know Coach let’s getstarted with the green onion pancakes sowhat I’ve got here is two cups of plainflour head of a teaspoon of salt and 1/2a cup of boiling water and let that restfor 10 minutes and just the curl itneeds a little bit of a rest to getstarted now we add a third of a cup coldwater just tap water and one piecetablespoon of cooking on and then all wedo ismix it all together to the font involvedbut just as it comes together form itinto a ball don’t need too muchliterally just gathering the ingredientstogether just put a little cling filmover it so it doesn’t play out and thenwe’ll leave it for five minutes to restand after the five nights are over willcome back to you but it would need okayfive minutes are upso just take the south bail thrown awayyou will need it again in a moment andnow we’ll need the dough we’ll needabout three to five minuteslet’s get seeds now nice and softalready difficult enough one evening itis thought about three to five nervesthat’s nice and smooth so what I’ll dois I’ll just gather the last bits offlour from the surface so what you’retrying to do is put the ball up yourhand into the dough and lean forward onit and that’s pretty much it it’s a goodwakeup then use one hand use both handswhatever you feel comfortable with andevery single time you’re done with itjust roll up turn it around about 90degrees so like a quarter turn right nowI’ll continue kneading this until it’ssmooth[Music]we’ve been nearly there the retirementof three to five minutes east bitch likeyou need to judge your dog because everyflower is a bitly French humidity theair complaint it’s a influence as welland also how hard you press down on thedoughbut if you look at it now nice andsmooth nice and smooth though so all thepollution is developed we’re doing nowtake out cling film again wrap it upanother risk for penguins[Music]okay show you those later that let’stalk about the go again shut the plasticaway as we’ll meet in a moment cover onthe pit found bit of her shufflingbullet coming into for so what peopleand that way from the end is actuallyfor pancakesthis is good this recipe is good for twopeople or two serves right so we’ll dothis we’ll get one off the pieces quickan exercise and then this is a littlebit leaner wonderful just a little bitof oil on your work surface cuz we’rerolling this out in oil rather than inflour so start off with a little bit ofa bowl and then that that’s forward isninety degree angle just to keep wrongshape now the good thing about this isspring any pancakes are lay up and takesanyway so the more layers tothem the better[Music]rolling the mouse fairly fiddling add alittle bit more give it a brusheverything and that’s let me grab thepower spring on it I’ll take a bow takea bow that falls out of the spring onionroughly and scatter it onto onto thedough leaving about a centimeter at theedge press it down a bit and then youroll it up from one end[Music]oh and then what you do next is you justroll it up like a snail burn of it andput it back to rest right we’ll proceedwith all the other ones exactly the sameway and then once it’s done we’ll leaveit rest for 10 minutes and then we’ll goto Friday right all right 10 minutes arehere they are the snails you can popthem on one side keep them covered oneof them and then just give it a bit of asetting with your hand boy and again[Music]and I’m gonna throw them up again getthem into a pink egg now nearly therejust need to fry them after this therewe go that’s it now what I’ll do hereanother baking paper keep it in betweenthe month so there’s up the next time onyour website then something you wearthat makes one just that’s before allright so here I guess though we’ve gotthe pancakes I’ve got some water just incase I needed a spare played gonna startand just a normal and set the heat tomedium-high[Music]right there’s focused so he ducted nowthe pancakes have quite a bit of oil inthem already so I don’t think we’ll needany I’ve got it they’re more like a anemergency in case they start sticking sojust carefully lift one up the paintakes off and then put them in the inthe panI’ll checks about two to three minuteson one side put them to brown and thenwe’ll flip them over and cook from theother side[Music]we go nice and brown now so I’ve taken alittle bit longer than what I originallysaid so it’s gonna be about I would saywell four or five minutes look playingwith it because again as I said thedough is always different the heat mightbe different so what we’re looking foris nice crisp pancake I’ll just keeptrying there something that’s nice andcrisp on both sides give it a flipoccasionally and then proceed to fry theother ones exactly the same all rightsir fight them all on medium to highheat in the end add a bit of oil forgetabout this brownish color flip them overalong the cooking and then to serve themall you do is the slicer moment choppingboards and I’ll cut them into wedges nowI believe them doing it in a rustic wayso just go through[Music]there we goso they have a post your spring onionpancakes we like to serve it with ourhomemade chili oil now the recipe ofthis chili oil and we got from alienskitchen and we’ll show you how to dothat in one of our future videos soplease like subscribe and share thisvideo of our spring onion pancakes andlet us know in the comments if you’vemade it or what you thought of it or ifyou have a recipe that you want us tocome to cook for youthank you so much and see you soon againmy photo book[Music]

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