Pancakes Recipes

How To Make Salted Caramel Apple Pancakes | PANCAKE DAY | EASY PANCAKE RECIPE

#howtocook #easyrecipes #cookingtutorial
In this video, I’ll show you how to make these decadent salted caramel apple pancakes!

200g plain flour
1 egg
150ml milk
55g sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp cinnamon
pinch of salt
Extra butter for cooking pancakes (a small cube of butter for every 2/3 pancakes)

Caramel apples
2 apples, peeled and sliced (I used Granny Smith Apples)
4tbs sugar
30g butter

Then simply follow video instructions! 🙂

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I am professional chef and traveller Jennifer Akhaya. Look forward to recipes, travel blogs and so much more!

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Video Transcription

welcome lovers of foods and life this isa channel dedicated to all things foodtravel and culture mainly food my nameis Jen and it’s great to have you hereso today’s recipe is a salted caramelapple pancakes and I’m so excited let’sjust get straight to it run the intro tomake these delicious pancakes we’ll needto add flour to a bowl along with apinch of salt baking powderand then we make a hole in the middlewhere we place an egg sugar vanillaextract and cinnamon we then startwhisking from the center while adding amilk in a slow and steady stream andgathering the rest of the flour into themiddle to produce a smooth batter thatlooks like so making sure you get allthe flour into that whisking well wethen place that into a glass jar andleave aside next thing we do is add abutter to our pan and make sure that isfully melted then pour our batter untilyou achieve the desired size of yourpancakesyou don’t to cook the pancakes untilsmall bubbles start to form and here isme using another camera you need to showyou those bubbles so let’s take a lookat that so you can see the bubbles arestarting to form there around the edgesas well as in the middle of the pancakesyou can then use what’s traditionallyknown as a fish slice or egg slice andflip your pancakes over like so and oncethey’ve been flipped over you can thencontinue your spatula to turn themaround or you can be fancy like I amhere doing here and flipping and thispancake for no reason continually aquestion of the day can you tell howmany times I flipped this pancakecomment down below and I’ll tell you ifyou’ve got it right so this is type ofcolor you’re looking for so it’s a nicegolden color on both sides then yourpancake is done put your stack ofpancakes aside and we’ll now move on toour course so in a separate pan placeyour sugar in the pan and caramelizeuntil it goes from this to this and onceit’s reached this stage you want toimmediately get your butter in there andthen stir until that is for mixed nextthing is to put your peeled and slicedapples inand ensure that they are in a singleflat lay up in the caramel and cookthose on a low heat and you want to cookthose until a fork can go in next thingis to assemble your stack of pancakes sowe start with each pancake and we putsome caramel sauce in between eachpancake and this is the homemade saltedcaramel sauce I’ve made in a previousvideo which I will link above and belowthe video so please take a look at thatand make this sauce we then want to adda layer saucein between each pancake and you can putas many pancakes as you’d like I don’timagine any self-respecting human isgonna eat these many pancakes but younever know okay so we want to top thosewith our caramelized apples doesn’t thislook absolutely delicious and when youare placing your apples on top of thepancakes do make sure to add the caramelthat was in the pan it’s all good stuffso you can get that on there[Music]okay so this next part is for those ofyou that are extra like me now we’regoing to add more salted caramel justfor extra deliciousness look at that sothere you have itsalted caramel apple pancakes for you toenjoy salted caramel apple pancakesdon’t they look amazingmake sure you try them out this pancakeday or any dayin fact and let me know what you thinkso until the next videoNeph see email a– Asante sana bye[Music]

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