Pancakes Recipes

How To Make Protein Pancakes In 2020 || Quarantine Cooking #MayThe4th

Thought I would share one of my favorite anytime snacks, Protein Pancakes! If you do decide to try out this recipe please do take a picture and tag me.

Although I like mine loaded with honey and sugar, you can ditch that for some low calorie sugar free syrups and throw on some fresh fruit or berries.

Ingredients :

1 scoop Whey Protein powder

15g Peanut Butter

30g Jungle Oats

40g Banana

3 Large Egg Whites

Toppings, as you fancy!

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Track: Clarx & Harddope – Castle [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
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Title: Not For Nothing by Otis McDonald
Music: Not For Nothing – Otis McDonald
Genre and Mood: Hip Hop & Rap + Funky
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Video Transcription

what’s going on everyone welcome to thevlog today we are making protein baddates my tape right healthy what’s goingon everyone welcome back to my channelif you’re new here thanks for stoppingby and if you’re not new thanks forcoming back and today we’re going to bemaking protein pancakes let’s get intoit let’s go ahead and get started sowhat we’re gonna do be done is get yourscale handy zero that goes okay I’mgoing to add in 30 grams of books withthat unless it’s nice to wear your stuffout people like what I do differentlywhen I’m cutting eternity not bulkingand I think pretty much whatever I wantand the answer to that is you can eatanything you want even when you’re goingto crack that’s what I do as long as youaccount for those calories in you trackthem you never need to change up whatyou eat[Music]what we’ve done now is throwing our oatsand whey protein to create sort of likean oat flour so it’s extremely fine ifyou can see that and that’s what we wantso there’s no clumps in Japan cake alsothrow that out if you’re gonna turn yourweight into regions on top of this it’sgonna get stuck at the bottom and that’sjust a wastenext we’re gonna put the egg whites sickCzech food tech he taught me a lot and Ithink 50 grams or moreremember all of this all you have to dois track it on my fitness pal a healthyplan cake because everything used hereis natural ingredients you generallyhave for breakfast I mean I know we havemore a banana or with whey protein sowe’re just making it a fun pancake thenwe’re gonna throw in the peanut butteractually scale is here 15 grams[Music]next we’re gonna add the banana I know Ihad this very photogenic Grenada howeverthis is over I put on an empty drawers Ilike to use overripe bananas onlybecause they much sweeter it just popsit off like this if you don’t have oneof these or you can use nonstick so Igot this to set for because we want thepancakes[Applause][Music][Music]got it[Music]now we’re going to decorate thisremember you give it any toppings youwanthowever factories okay so to make thislook instagram-worthy and youtube woodywe’re going to use tickle eggs spoons[Music]honey maple syrup chocolate chips solet’s make youtube remember this I canjust let me track this quickly and I’lltell you how many calories are in it aswell as the total macros and stuff I’lleven show you how to wave and it creepywell subtract everything on my fitnessball if you want to clear creepy aboutjungle it’s 60 grams the in PL platinumway 34 3 egg whites banana 50 gram and60 moles of 2% low-fat mo all of thatcomes to 458 calories okay so the macrosfor this meal is 47 grams of proteinyou won round of cards 9 grams of fiberand it comes back let’s do a taste testI’m cringing that you’re cutting allfive pancakes at once that hits thispoint yeah so like if I was knee-deep ina shrimp or for sure else would I wouldlove to reach out to this very subjectif you do want to talk more heartnutrition let me know in the commentsdrop a thumbs up if you enjoyed thisvideo if you want to see more of thesamurai tips and stuff like just let meknow and we’ll do exactly that I hopeyou guys liked this blog if you do dropa thumbs up hit the bell I couldn’tbecause like you’ll get notified everytime I post a video and I promise to putmany informative stuff keep you throughthis so yeah thanks for watching anddon’t forget to subscribe[Music][Music]

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