Follow along and watch me attempt to make loaded mashed potato pancakes
First time making them and I was not disappointed and they were so simple to make.
2 cups mashed potatoes
1 1/2 cups All purpose flour
1 cup shredded cheese
2 eggs
1 tsp each of onion powder, garlic powder, salt and pepper
I also put in 1/4 cup bacon bits the real deal not imitation
You could also put in real onion or chives if you prefer
Mix all the ingredients and place on a greased pan medium to high heat, patting them down to flatten. Cook til golden brown and crisp on one side flip and repeat with the other.
We ate ours with butter and sour cream, and they really did taste like a loaded baked potato. Serve with your favorites.
#wickedpenny #getbakedwithwickedpenny #getbaked
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
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Video Transcription
hello hello how’s everybody todayhaving a little you know watermelon it’sFridaywho knows when this video uploads butit’s Friday today having a littlecocktail my son came home from workearly took a half a dayhe was a little hungry I’m like he’slike oh why why can’t you be filming avideo and make me something yummy andI’m like I really don’t have a lot theweekends coming up we tend not to eat athome so but you know what he had in thein the fridge and I’ve been dying tomake I’ve never been him beforethis is a first so if it becomes an epicfail I’m still uploading it and thenmaybe we’ll take it together along theway in a future video so what we’regonna make is some potato pancakesnow I’ve had that with shredded potatoesand I’d had him with mashed but what Ihad in the fridge was a cup of leftovermashed potatoes from a Salsbury statedinner that we had the other day so I amgoing to try and make them so therecipes that I looked up they all calledfor all two cups of mashed potatoes so Ijust halved it the description in thevideo will be for the full recipe sojust have it like I did and we’ll seehow it works out okay and I’ll talk aswe go on all right I’m gonna Bundy Bundyand you can see me over here my littleworkstationokay I know you can see me I have mygriddle here you know guys I alreadymessed up but we’ll see if we can muddlethrough I have a cup of mashed potatoesguys not gonna lie I don’t like verymany brands but I love Bob Evans mashedpotatoes in the dairy section I alwayshave them in my fridge I think they’rethe closest thing to real mashed potatowell they are real potatoes and I justlove them and so anyway some of therecipes this is flour all-purpose flourand it called for a cup and one cup inthree quarters for two cups of mashedpotatoes now I have a cup hereI’m only gonna put 3/4 of a cup I thinkbecause some of the comments said thatthey’re potato pancakes tasted likeflour I don’t want mine to taste likeflour so I’d rather go on the low-endyou know what I mean so here’s my cup ofmashed potatoes and I have about 3/4 ofa cup of all-purpose flour cause for anegg so I’m gonna I put it in hereone of the farm-fresh eggs the salmonbrings holes I’m a guy at workmake sure it’s good good good okay andthen these are the seasonings I alwaysput them in a seasoned cup ahead of timeit called for fresh garlic fresh onionsalt pepper guys I used onion powdergarlic powder and I use salt pepper Idon’t particularly like chopped onion inmy potatoes uh and I know Maxwellwouldn’t like it so I just switched itto powder because obviously you probablyneed the flavor okay so I’m making itsee it’s kind of looking like a batterhere okay you know I probably for afuture potato pancake recipe ish youknow I don’t already I could see thatit’s like a yellow Joe I would prefer itwhite maybe I don’t know so maybe Iwould go with like two egg whitesinstead of an egg yolk but we’ll see howwe go calls for a cup of shredded cheeseI have a half here didn’t call for baconbut I have bacon who does it like baconit’ll be like a bloated baked potato sothere’s my little twist um some call forscallions Maxwell wouldn’t eat it if hesaw the freaking green scallions in thebatter so I am I wouldn’t do that youknow and if said use your judgment onthe flour based on how watery yourpotatoes are and I think this isprobably a good a good consistency it’sit looks like a batter actually it’skind of thick it’s not watery at all umso guys we’re gonna do it together Ihave my pan with butter butyou know what obviously guys to get thispan hot enough to sizzle these pancakesI probably should have used a vegetableoil because you know clutter burns andbut it’s already I already have it onhere um so me and you are gonna see whathappens I’m going to spray my spatulabecause the banners kind of dense so I’mgoing to spray my spatula so it doesn’tstick to the batter I’m gonna put thison okay because then it says to I wantto as round as possibleit says to platinum okayso I’m gonna do that see how many we gethere okay cuz I definitely want to looka couple and Max is gonna mount a coupleokay let’s see I think I might be ableto get one more maybe I’m big in oh it’ssizzling sizzling in there there’s alittle batter here but I put it on thisone and this one looks a little smallokay so I’m going to just I sprayed itlet’s fly it in a little oh okay okaythat’s goodI’m gonna put it in the butter okay Ijust don’t want them stick Oh see thatone stuck on me for middle oh no we wantsomething that looks good right maybe ifI use the spatula to didn’t have thefreaking tongs in it we’d be better offin your ringer okay oh yeah much betterguys much better let’s see how we learnoopsie should sprayed it again cuz it’sall frickin over there we go okay thisone looks a little on jadi Hey Oh Nolittle sinner help you look good guyswe’re doing them together okay then itsayswait till they’re golden brown let’shave a little sip mmm mmmlittle lipstick today mmm feelin friskyhmm okay what do you think things aregonna be goodI hope that I hope so clean upeverything mistake so we have somethingyummy to look at this is Wowlet me check them we did these onesfirst look guys you look goodhate you let’s see look at thathmm yummy yummy not as hot this sidealways gets hotter I’m gonna move thatbaby down that bama JAMA ooh this onedoesn’t seem hard enough guys look canyou see can you see I’ll put you down alittle more look golden brown and sizzlelean look we didn’t flip that one yetcuz it seemed a little flimsy flimsyright my god guys are we excited I knowI am i flipping love mashed potatoes buti put butter on mine i’m gonna scoochthese around where the hi oh oh no don’tplay with your meat or your potatoespenny Ohmake it worse okay we gotta make surethey’re nice and golden brown on bothsides and they’re done in crisp let meget a plateokay you don’t want to cook them tooquick on the outside so the insidesdon’t get nice and hot whoa these arecoming along good see how these lookoh no cooked how are we doing guys lookyummy this is the first time for meOh what’s the time on the video who workin long just for a simple little quickdish right okay I think this one’s doneokay and this is the one we’re gonnahave together okay let’s see rightgot one wet one ruddy okay guys I’m notgonna lie I just turn these this down onlow I am a Potter junkie you all knowthat so I’m putting a little butter onmine okay all right just a little that Iam putting a little sour cream cuz Iwould have a sour cream potato okaylet’s gowhat do you think that was so easy rightI mean super super easy look I mean comeon people are gonna be like it doesn’tit sir okay Oh guys I’m excited okay allright I’m going in could look at thisbaby all rightlook isn’t like so pretty I think it’sadorable lookguys I’d love nothing more than to makerecipes the first time for you becauseyou can see how easy it was and I didn’tmess up I’m flipping these for max thisis a great Oh guys the bacon thebutteriness if you don’t like sour creamjust sprinkle it with some more baconguys look it’s so good look oh cheesedid she it was cheesy it was absolutelyinsanemmm I’m so excited guys oh my a bird hatit’s okay cuz you know why I’m a winnerwinner chicken dinner oh my god myfriends gonna kill me anyway so guys yousee how is it was don’t waste thoseleftover mashed potatoes I’ll put therecipe in the description like subscribeshare and don’t forget to comment foryour chance to win and insta pop have agreat day guys peace