Pancakes Recipes

How to make Perfect Pancakes – Cook along Live – Cooking With The Treyvauds

How to make the perfect fluffy pancakes. No measurements, no messing, just basic cop on and perfect results every time!!! Real time cooking

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if the areaget off the jacks come on this giveswe’re going like buddy hurry up fromhere they’re not here on the toilet yeahjust there we gosay hello to people to see if anybody’sthere two seconds guys move our momsit’s like sign per second Ohtechnical difficulties again as alwaysmorning everybody I know what we didhave already but it didn’t bloody workanybody watching joining anybody Sangalo120 already good morning everybodyas the wife and witness switch on/offthe Wi-FiI don’t know I’m gonna figure this itwe’re getting there my wait wait waitwait waitdoes anything oh can I get the stuffanymore you do one job I have this rigdoes we need you morning everybody nowanybody watching the shiny we’re getting50 excellentmoms two minutes excited kids make suremoms are gone outside let me know underall sergeant okay surprise for your momsdon’t ruin it okay ed you go out you gowe’re gonna get ready for pancakes andwe get mobbed is done tap to reach Igive that a second there we go we’regonna make what are we making pancakespancakes right now here’s the importantthing right I don’t want you worryingabout measurements okay we all know whywe’re making the pancakes kids okay sowe’re gonna practice how to make themtoday so when you guys get off tomorrowmorning unlike Mike to buckles heredon’t go playing PlayStationstraightaway go make the pancake mix andthen when mom is waking up nice andslowly you can make the pancakes workand surprise you’re going tuttleFather’s Day we made you pancakes okaybut we’re gonna pretend today that werejust making brunch for todaysuch a surprise mer ready call comesback in oh okay goodwhat are we doing we’re making pancakesfor a brunch a nice Saturday afternoonbrunch see if you can find its corner tosee if it’s coming upmight take a say here’s what I want youto do guys I want you to understandcooking okay so we’re not going tomeasure anything I want you to look atyour eye and trust what you’re capableof doing and trust your ability and whatwe’re makingokay so the basically the ingredients ifyou’re really worried about measuringstuff okay it’s like a I cook or a mugof flour to a mug of milk okay andwarning that’s your basic one but I wantyou to look at what we’re doing and justbe getting confident so we’re looking attextures that’s how you learn egg tocook so I have got self raising flouryeah show me this thing is that workingtogetheryeah we’re in okay so if you see anycomments with your internet this sosomebody asked me there yesterday canyou use playing fair and the answer isof course you can can you use oatmealClaire or corset and it’s a differentkind of pancake obviously but with theplains where it’s not gonna rise it’snot going to be as fluffy as much so toa little bit of bread so girls like thatand that’ll make it rise up or else doyou everything you do is whisk your eggwhites get myself lucky and then addthem in and again and that’ll make itnice and flowy so we’re gonna win us byare you kids okayso that’s your standard 2 kg bag offlour so no I can’t get this out of itso you can all see so we’re gonna make alittle fear for meno I don’t know 20 or turning pancakesright look at dizzy dizzy just go doyour dirty pancakes okay so I’ve put init’s been two cops right I’m notmeasuring it because I don’t want you tomeasure it’s a bad maybe I dunno onesixth of the of the pack of 2kgs figureout but don’t don’t worry aboutmeasurements just watch what I’m doingokay- Killarney – I’m not sure I know wheresharks from – learningJohnny how we doing now look at this I’mall about promoting small local thatwell everywhere in an Ireland is localso small producers write and includethese guys are we know water milk rightyou can use regular milk right and Ihave to see where they were from whereare you fromwhat’s that say ready from there frommale right so but I didn’t heard of themso I said you know what let’s supportthese guys okay so I saw it I didn’tjust use whatever you can is just asmall producer out there trying bite itwe need every bit of help we can getso here’s what I want you to do rightwe’re going to wing it so pretty muchthe same quantity of milk as it is toflare up right but just will wing it sowe’re gonna pour in maybe about a thirdof that car I will see how it’s lookingso get him it’s like my whiskey – brokenI’ve no handle so it doesn’t matter itstill risks doesn’t it just so Mixy MixyMixy get it all in and so I can see thatgetting there close to Johnny so I cansee that’s gone to dry so it needs moremilk okay more butter milk or regularmilkwhatever you’re easy that Marky MarkyMarky hey Marky has you going buddyI’m gonna send Dill’s over when thekayak put a few pancakes ready afterthis so getting close guys look you seeto take toothpick but still whisk it outso we get rid of all the most so we putin more milk okay so that’s what I wantyou to watch it understanding how thecooking is working okay that’s whenyou’re cooking don’t be worried about inmeasurements and recipes and all thatkind of stuffuse your brains okay kids so get it tothe same consistency as I am you see theway it’s loosening up so we know manwe’re getting almost there keep whiskingwhisking whisking whisking whiskinganything that’s coming sure does thankyou very much rosemary and thank you forjoining in so watch see there now it’sgot my son loose now I know that’s youcan do pancakesbut for me I wanted just a little bitthinner okay so we’re gonna put in alast little bit of our butter Millerokayso I’ve used what’s that that’s a leadermy dues probably about maybe threequarters of that don’t concentrate onmeasurements look at the consistencydrop that over to everybody now so watchus so we go whiskey whiskey whiskey soI’m gonna slow down for one second justso everybody’s up with the sameconsistency and everybody’s caught upnow see the right eye keep whisking youget rid of all the lumps don’t beworried see that I’ve done nothing onlywhisk it right in front of it look atthis and all the lumps are completelyedible so you see kids when they tellyou how hard it is to cook it’s nonsensethey just don’t want to do is they wantto buy in their store look I’m simplethat wants to make it simple okay sokeep whisking keep whisking and keepwhisking perfect consistency look atwhat I have there you know give me aspoon oh here it is he’s getting good atthis old hammer all rightthat’s a later what I’ll do yes okay sowatch kids this is the consistency we’relooking for you see that it’s likemelted chocolate that’s exactly what itlooks like okay now no you don’t have toyou can throw in a pinch if you want Idon’t give you okayjust run out into the sinkoh there’s a surpriselook he had one job dice right togetherto the sinkwhat is spilling us are making a messour tails now you cannot get more localthan our next ingredientsKillians eggs whose killer yeah killeracross the bay on the other side handdelivered this morning at nine o’clockand as Killian said they’re so freshthere’s three types of their chickensours come on killer so we’re turning tofresh eggs for this there so crack itwon’t desert you not only crackingyou’re into this ball deals not the onewith the mushrooms in the league okayEileen says why using buttermilk insteadof milk I never knew I could usebuttermilk yeah it’s more I tell you whytrevanian’s have been for me and get ridof killers eggs I tell you why are youit’s a it’s very much an american-stylepancake okay and the fact that we’regoing with a lot of sweet stuff in mostof it it counteracts nicely a little bitbitter with a little bit of sweet onlyreason but you can use plain milkthere’s absolutely no problems with itso we’re gonna whisk in those eggs andagain did in this nursery concealerthat’s got to make it nice and fluffybut you see the way we’ve you’ll seesome guys telling you our paska true andshift to get out all the lumps there’sno lumps in that bowl is it well wedidn’t you just kept whisking keptwhisking whisking can you believe thatis our batter don’t as simple as thatnow we’re gonna throw on our bacon honeygo over with deals there now deals foundthe grill for the bacon open it up soeverybody can see ya pull it down solook guys I said get bacon we’ve justgot our streaky rushers and they’regonna go underneath the grill seven oreight minutesThank You Lina Tina Danny killer’ssister a little bit of icing sugar goingin there as well guys I forgot to throwthat in and I’m not throwing in much fora simple reason I don’t have muchokay so just whiskey whiskey whiskey andthat will break down who died guys won’tperfect pancake batter made in absolutesminutes so now we want to make it easyideally we let that stand for about10-15 minutes okay and kids if you wantto get ahead in advanceoh no maybe say if you were doing thiswas so ordered it maybe next yearprobably the next time you make pancakesyou can make it maybe say an hour or twobefore I can clean up all the mess Idon’t know when you’re gonna make thisagain any of you what I’m gonna make itagain no idea no ideanow watch let’s be smart Dill’s I’mgonna do this okay we’re gonna pour itstraight into a pouring joke right likeso look at that no long snow hassle I’lladd would you look at this would youwould you what did you think I’d put toomuch in would youyou swear I knew what I was talkingabout sink back sink and what I wasmaking a mess this time just want to sayone very simple thing you know we’re alltalking about at the momentdon’t be listening to fake news and fakenonsense about this thing that’s goingon at the moment listen to the expertscould you imagine if after this we stuckand apply that principle to everythingwe didn’t listen to actors musiciansmodels athletes telling you how to cookthat we actually listened to expertsthink about it there is our patterperfectly done now anything on othersbits are on a bit of heat you can if youwantare you leave it there if you want donehere’s the thing I don’t want youworrying about cooking it’s it’s a keyit’s much easier it’s all these otherclowns oncomplicated things it’s the easy thingin the world to do it’s so so simple soeven they’re like that it’s perfect 20minutes half an hour it’s perfect tenminutes it’s perfect turn on this onehere does so we want to go about mediumheat okay so if your gas ring or youroff Oh what stove goes up to six put iton around three or four our batter ismade nice and simple little bit of oliveoil a little bit of olive oil okayand that’s just to coat the bottom ofour pans deals even massive job we’regonna get the cream a little bit ofkitchen roll okay and just you’rebasically coating the bottom of the panokay be careful that’s what I can handleokay so just a little bit like sookay perfect ideally I’d let that waitten minutes what we’re gonna crack alongwith an onion dill cream into here okayshaky-shakylittle bit of cream if you haven’talready whipped perfect if you don’t dothis after the show okay so don’t worrybut what have we got in here bankswhatever it is to new because thosehere’s how you make amazing amazingcream and little drop or two of vanillaessence just one or two little dropsokayperfect though a little bit of icingsugar to sweeten it up you don’t have usdon’t worry guys I’m just showing you wecan do this later are the next timeyou’re ever going to make my billsyou’re slowing down with ready- do youthink you can manage this would I sendthe never D flowing that it’ll be toughover here no here I guess you wishedthey’re okaywatch this now just put your hand overdid I make a mess show him Dill’s whatnot what not to do okay way to eat eachother okay any questions Johnnyeverybody having funmm-hmm okay so put it like that so itcan’t come out and make sure the courtdoesn’t go into so just get the personshow me one or two things I know you’reyeah so here we go a little bit ofbutter honey you’re in charge of policyOh Sharon says is a Shh what’s that one[Music]is it true it’s always the first pancakethat doesn’t come out right that’s thecase weird for two bad ones okay let’sgo little bit watch pay attention kids alittle bit and it doesn’t matter if youmake a bit of a mistake we’re onlystarting off wrong okay[Music]okay back on we go[Music]what no saki gonna kick off you knowokay there you go tells you do thatabsolutely amazing well done how’s ourbacon looking close up the thing if it’srun a bit slow whoa whipped cream we’reback how are we looking here okay solet’s just do we do the freaky fancystill half words sure honey come in niceand close see where the bubbles arecoming in there guys that means it’scooking that means it’s cookin we givethat another minute now what are wegoing to talk about for fillingsstrawberries raspberries bananaschocolate spread honey but bananas whatelse do they say and our bacon whateveryou want so we’re waiting for them toflick let’s just slice a fewstrawberriesokay how we looking here guys anybodymaking the pancakes noise anybodyjoining with us 500 users okay let’spick it over perfect dough deals I knowyou’re doing two papers well we do theeasy ones first now who was it that saidis it almost the first pancake scepterno crap who do you reckon they’refollowing does if that’s what happenshis recipe your first pint gangster namecrap follow my recipe what happens this[Music]Johnny I think it’s signed we’re gonnahave to change we’re gonna have tochange okay so let’s look at our firstones okay look at that perfect that’swhy we put in the butter you can touchthat deal so you can feel lovely andfluffyit’ll be afraid to touch theabsolutely perfect okay fantastic nowlet’s get our little bit late so I don’tknow if there was a day coming up or solike that you wanted to make somethingnice for somebody he could maybe makethe first two would be I don’t knowmaybe for dad on Father’s Day that wascloser or maybe Santa Claus at Christmashe might like pancakes he’s pretty sickof mince piesno big day coming up you know you couldmaybe try and do this no okay that’sRicky Dicky Shh beautiful let’s go let’sgo wait this could go anywhere[Applause]absolutely beautiful so let’s pick outour first one okay so you see that guyslook at that you’re cooked in minuteshere’s what we do kids right where welie about to land a little bit let’s getin a bit more it’s a bit more battertrying to go over it’s very quick whenit’s didn’t stay there too longsee look at that now guys when it’s coldlet it Coast the bottom of the panperfect how’s our bacon looking thoseperfect the answer is perfect nobody cansee done yet okaynow so now we get two more on the goand you get used to how much you’reputting in you get used to it okayit’s only just enough to coat the bottomof the pan some people like to eatfluffy pancakes some people might Timpancakes so you get useful deals you’rein charge any questions coming in thankZeus all for your catch deals I gotreally bad news here we don’t have muchlieutenant so we’re gonna put the musica little bit of Nutella in this rightgive it a sec for it to melt down okay alittle bit of Nutella look at thisbeautiful even I have bills that theydon’t go too highperfect if it’s getting too pop guysjust lift it off for a sec okay how’sour bacon tails lovely now look into thetop look into the top drawer there andseems distributed that’s it okay so kidshere’s what we do look you get it whatam i doing bit of cream okay oh I’venever had cream on pancakes before welldo this you’ll never be able to say thatagain a little bit of cream beautifulhow we doing keep it up look at thatguy’s see the way the bubbles have comeup on it flick oh hohow’s this guy looking properly we canpick it back or it I didn’t get much ofa color but we pick it back over a fewstrawberries beautiful that’s true a fewraspberries into this one too beautifulfold it over fold it overwhoo number one what are we doing thisbanana tells me a little bit of a bananaany comment says you’re doing nothingtoday[Music]okay okay look at this simple bananaanything difficult eyes nothing has ourbacon look at those chick true chickenleft is it is there any good or is itlike there’s a red you have a look forgodsake now that’s two amazing pancakespet stroke a few raspberries on top ofthat where’s our little bitch pop – andour making sure that’s number onelook at this guy’s after a while you getused to it the heat make them perfectturn off eat nice and crispy so numberone pancake a little bit of springcleaning key lovely lovely lovely numberone done okaylet’s look at this guy perfecto what dowe know oh yeah this right here let’stry one pancake I want to keep thatalmost there this one they’re hot guysbe careful I can handle this okay lookat this lay this number two stylepancake I’m just gonna get – a video -who was saying the first one – neverturn out right watch this you know whatthey’re on about what the fellows whoare singing hey okay get my baconthe whole concept idea is learning howto cook I want kids out there realizingthat it’s so much fun but it’s so simplelook we didn’t measure a down pin andthen we still nails absolute perfectpancakes in a couple of minutes dealsbit of a mess but you gotta you measureeverything perfectly didn’t if you doput anything in the wrong bow or anythat kind of stuff you’re going to pickanother one bills aren’t you watch tosee the bubbles kids look thats hangingold once you see the bubbles coming upokay so then you can flick it perfectsee kids the bubbles are there and rightthat one needs another little second ortwo put whatever you want into it guyshoney lemon sugar simply I just want torealize it just how easy it is yoursauce make the batter in real time a lotof people ask them can we buy a dresscan we support you in a restaurant doyou know how you can support me I wantdo all the social media channels andlike what we do or all that kind of slowgive us a few cons tell people about itwe worry about fractures and all thatkind of stuff when we’re back over don’tbe worried about any of that kind ofschool I just love the interaction everygreat crack yesterday with the sausagesin me dance okay deals look at it flickthat one’s ready are you ready you wantto do a single knife take them down I’mgonna clean up my deals as quick inthere again what an absolute Pro thisone is perfect beautiful this one is notturn off the heat because we’ve madeenough to show you how to do it rightthis one here absolutely perfect forpancakesthis is dad’s forty all the bacon thatbeautiful beautiful beautiful it’ssimple it’s easy but it’s just a greatway guys for you to have a bit of fun athome over the next few days little bitof honey on top of that bacon and honeyand pancakes it’s not severe we’ve got ablueberries trophy blueberries all thisis for all any vegans out there don’tsay I don’t think it’d be look lookblueberriesI see beside the bacon I think of all ofme there are a few blueberries with thebaconDill’s boom another recipe I am can’tjust I don’t want to be wrecking yourhands no I said I won’t be in too manyof these videos we all get bored and allthat kind of stuff so we maybe leave itoff for a few days unless you want us tocome back with something else fairlysoonwell that was pancakes made in real timereally really simple fruity oneschocolate ones raspberries bananas baconwith blueberries for the vegans I takecare of everybody and that’s it I thinkthat’s it so on that note guys thank youfor the comments tell everybody bearswe’re getting a huge following doing allthis kind of stuff so people are reallyenjoying we’re gonna clean up this messafter we do our pancakes see you nexttime guys deals what do you say to himit’s goodbye from him only the olderpeople will know where that’s comingfrom the Two Ronnies guys see you soonI’m great weekendtake care

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